Nvidia driver preference? Game Ready or Studio?

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Is there a difference when using DS?
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nVidia certainly recommends using the Studio drivers, the concern is that the Game-ready drivers are bleeding-edge as they are cosntantly being tweaked to support new games and so more likely to throw up issues. If you have a Game ready driver that works there is no reason not to use it, just be aware that the risks are higher.
RTX3060 has no problems with Game Ready Drivers.
RTX3090 and up, seem to require Studio drivers.
...for the GPUs inbetween you'll have to experiment.
I stick with the studio, unless I need a game ready driver to fix an issue on a game I am playing is how I do it.
I've had times where the newest Game Ready drivers would not allow IRay renders to even start.... Studio is the only real choice.
For me the Game Ready drivers manage to crash the iray preview mode if I leave it activated while fiddeling with the scene for a while.
That never happend with Studio Drivers.
Not OP but an interested party who apparently is an idiot...
Where might one procure these Studio drivers?
When you get to the nVidia download page you get a choice:
That explains it...I was using their tray widget to update.
Studio drivers sem to render faster in IRAY.
I mistakenly installed Gaming, and usual render was taking way to long. So I changed to studio driver and got much quicker results.
I have had good results using the Gaming drivers. My gaming is done in real-time, my rendering is done in the back ground as I browse the net and watch videos.
Do you have any numbers for that?
use Studio Drivers all time for work, make for that...
Game ready is make for game, no stable, new fonction and bug everywhere for works with Soft.... xD
from my own expirence both drivers work however game ready drivers can sometimes be a bit unstable.
So far as i can tell this is because game ready may somtimes have special corner cases that will be fixed the the next version.
These corner cases are possibly because the game ready drivers are optimized towards a combination of general computing and gaming.
Some of what ive expirenced with game ready:
out of control memory use by daz (BSOD)
unreliable performance
TLDR: using game ready with daz is like using a stepladder for a bridge while using studio is like using the same step ladder but also adding planks of wood to step across.