How do I prevent my poses from causeing my figures to float in the air??
Posts: 4,004
Is there a way to save a pose so that ,say when going from a standing to a sitting pose the figure isn't sitting in mid-air or if you go from sitting to standing your figure isn't half way through the floor .......
Well I just had a thought ,I'm using DS 4.7 ,which is probably needed knowledge to be able to tell where I 'm messing up ......
Post edited by carrie58 on
Okay I may have found a solution for the floating sinking I really would like to find out how to mirror a pose ........
see it's like throwing this question out to the Universe and either I'll get help or figure it out ......or end up throwing a tantrum and walking away from the computer for awhile
Hi to mirror pose,
select figure or node which you want to symmetry ,
then on posing tab area, R-click >Symmetry
you may find small square area with bar on each pane contena corner,
it can call option menu of current tab(pane)) then use Symmetry.
I think default short cut is (Shift + Y)
then if you pose your figure, by pose controll,
(eg Arms Up-Down Right, or Left hand Fist etc)
you may need to apply "bake to Tranfrom" from pose option menu.
after that current value bake and turn as Raw value.
symmetly use only Raw value of each node (rotation, translation, scale)
then you need to bake current rotation as Raw value.
Wow thank you .......I'm gonna try this tonight and see if my brain will wrap around it !!
Okay so when I do a pose I don't use the "arms up-down pose I just use the rotation tool and do it that way or dial it in in the parameter tab rotations ...... What has me confused is what is a Raw value???Is that the number in the rotations dial??
Hi, if you do not use poze controller (pose>edit), you do not need to bake transform.
(I recommend it too . it is most safety and reliable)
about "raw value", You can check each property curent "raw value" by paramter settings.
To celar see what "raw" Use pose controll for pozing, and check value of node rotation.
eg Arm Up-down Left. > then
select Actor left Collar, then check bend value in parameter tab.
Now Left Collar (bend) Z rotate = 40 , but if you check Parameter setting,
current raw = zero .
I can not find, official document or manuall, about the daz parameter "Raw "
but I think, the raw value means delta value,
which extrude delta changed by other controller .(about this case,, Arm Up-down Left)
( added) if you use " bake to transform" , with corect option.
you may see, bend raw value change to 40 . and poze controller which you used, reset to zero.
it is same, you poze by only rotation (parameter rotation, or poze tool,etc) . then symmetly work.
Thank you kitakoredaz , my brain is still having issues .....but thank you very much for your help