Violent Gallery Pics - Thoughts?
Hi all, I'm feeling there's been a bunch of really nightmarish pics popping up in the gallery lately - not saying anything about the artistic quality at all, just the subject displayed. It's mostly women just about to be horribly mutilated by some creature. Many people seem to like them, judging by the comments, which is totally up to them of course. But personally, I just hate having something creepy like that jump at me from the gallery previews when I'm actually looking for something nice to show my little nieces. I also think it's really weird that we cannot display teenage shoulders but violent and nightmare inducing stuff like that, without anything like a filter for those who don't want to see these things.
So I wrote a ticket asking if we could have filters, but got the basic 'we'll pass it on' response. I'm wondering now, how does everyone else feel about this? Like, would you appreciate filters as well, or couldn't you care less? Am I overreacting?
Would love to hear some thoughts. Cheers!
You can always report iamges which you think go too far. Unfortunately it is pretty much society-wide that depictions of violence are less restricted than other things, though the shoulders thing was I think a store promo rule rather than a gallery or forum rule.
This isn't really a matter for voting, so I am going to lock this thread before it inevitably gets clogged with flaming straw-men.