Daz Studio Pro 4.21[.0.x] - NVIDIA Iray

rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
edited October 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

When a new build of Daz Studio includes a new version of the NVIDIA Iray renderer, the new build of the renderer comes with its own set of bug fixes, new features, adjustments to existing features, etc. Since the release of Daz Studio that followed the initial introduction of NVIDIA Iray in Daz Studio (4.8 - initial introduction, 4.9 - following release), a list of its changes have typically been made available in the posts that immediately follow the announcement. In many cases, while the information contained within the posts was/is useful to those that want/need it, it seemed to go unread by many. This same information would also then be reposted when a Public Build was eventually promoted to General Release.

To address some of these issues and bring more visibility to the changes for those who want/need it, we now split these posts off into their own thread. A separate discussion thread will remain available (linked below), but the thread itself will be closed for comment so as to avoid the information being buried by the discussion and to provide notification through regular features of the forum software.

*Note: The entries below come directly from the NVIDIA Iray release notes. Some entries, such as the mention of Iray Realtime, Linux, etc, currently have no bearing on Daz Studio itself but are included for completeness.


Public Build (Beta) Threads:


  • (October 12, 2022)
    • (October 5, 2022)
    • (September 28, 2022)
    • (September 7, 2022)
    • (July 27, 2022)
    • (June 3, 2022)
    • (May 20, 2022)
    • (May 13, 2022)


General Release Thread:


  • (April 29, 2022)
    • (February 18, 2022)


Previous Thread:


Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited May 2022

    Iray 2021.1.1, build 349500.8264

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Updated general libraries:
        • OpenSSL 1.1.1n
        • NVAPI R510
      • Support .rgb extension for textures in the SGI file format.

    Fixed Bugs

    • General
      • Fixed recording of pruned journals, which in practice lead to some unnoticed changes in case of overlapping transactions (e.g. missing material updates).
      • Added on-demand-meshes to the list of items that are valid for scene updates.
      • Fixed processing of integer vector userdata attributes.
      • Fixed infinite loop for on demand meshes with a single material.
      • Fixed a crash related to removing projectors and its parents from a group.
      • Fixed a crash due to a use-after-free issue with static projector arrays.
      • Extended error reporting for more CUDA calls (especially on RTX cards).
    • Iray Photoreal & Iray Interactive
      • Fixed a crash when changing texture compression options.
      • Fixed infinite loops with the builtin implementation of base::file_bump_texture and UDIM input.
      • Fixed artifacts in noise band with object space UVW coordinate source.
      • Massively improved processing speed of material regions.
      • Enforced MDL-JIT compilation in case varying input is found to be attached to uniform parameters.
      • Allowed implicit conversion when querying userdata attributes via MDL scenedata lookups rather than requiring the types to match exactly.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • Fixed handling of spectral textures when using GPU rendering (nvbugs 3561235).
      • Fixed processing of backplate shaders other than base::file_texture (nvbugs 3564192).
      • Fixed crash when using the caustic sampler with certain decal combinations (nvbugs 3568867).
      • Fixed a rare crash when rendering heterogeneous volumes.
      • Improved performance (i.e. less overhead) and memory usage of the new guided sampling once more. It’s now even more recommended to enable it, unless the rendered scene(s) are very simple, or one has to rely on deterministic progressive rendering on multi-GPU/hybrid setups (note that guided sampling is unbiased, so only its temporary noise is not fully deterministic).
      • Improved heterogeneous volume rendering once more.
      • Improved navigation speed by avoiding some unnecessary scene updates.
      • Improved spectral volume sampling of uniform volume objects.
      • Removed a discrepancy when rendering decals in the contents of auxiliary buffers (between renderings that only render aux buffers and those which also render LPE buffers).
      • Optimized LPE buffer processing speed.
      • Reduced the automatic normal clamping threshold (which is used to prevent darkening on extreme bump or normal maps), previous setting was too aggressive and gave artifacts at grazing angles.
      • Ensured that single frames are completed after a device failure on RTX cards.
    • Iray Interactive
      • Fixed processing of float userdata.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • Fixed filename extension mismatch when exporting textures referenced from MDL modules. Under certain circumstances, the texture was copied, but got a different filename extension, causing problems importing the MDL module again.
      • Fixed creation of function calls of the cast operator if the target type has frequency qualifiers. Similarly, fixed creation of function calls of the ternary operator if the argument types have frequency qualifiers.
      • libbsdf: Fixed incorrect child normal orientation usage in df::(color_)fresnel_layer, df::(color_)custom_curve_layer and df::(color_)measured_curve_layer for backside hits.
      • libbsdf: provide thin-film Fresnel aware implementations of df::fresnel_factor, df::fresnel_layer, and df::color_fresnel_layer.
      • Also encode the simple name of function definitions. For almost all functions this does not make any change since the simple name is usually an identifier, except for a couple of operators from the builtins module.
      • HLSL backend: Fixed code generation for scene data access functions inside automatically derived expressions.
    • MI exporter
      • Optimized the processing of scenes with a lot of material references (e.g. if few/the same material(s) are specified per triangle).
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Iray 2021.1.2, build 349500.8766

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Updated general libraries:
        • zlib 1.2.12
    • Iray Photoreal & Iray Interactive
      • Animated textures (see Iray 2021.1.0) are now supported in the rendering core, too.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • Added calls to the progress callback during scene preprocessing and access (which includes lazy construction of scene data). This change requires that the application’s progress callback survives all rendering. This was always a documented requirement but not enforced or used so far.

    Fixed Bugs

    • Iray Photoreal & Iray Interactive
      • Fixed missing update of section cap colors.
      • Avoid accidental evaluation of UDIM normal maps as bump.
      • Fixed potentially wrong handling of negative cutout opacity values.
      • Fixed access of invalid tag for certain environment materials.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • Fixed striping patterns that appeared when using certain JIT MDL functions.
      • Fixed wrong cutout opacity handling for negative or large values in light sampling, leading to wrong emission behavior.
    • Iray Interactive
      • Reduced the automatic normal clamping threshold (which is used to prevent darkening on extreme bump or normal maps), previous setting was too aggressive and gave artifacts at grazing angles. This now matches Iray Photoreal again.
      • Avoid restarting rendering if the tonemapper changes while backplate tonemapping is enabled, but with no active backplate (improves on the fix for nvbug 3268527).
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • Remove wrong error message about failures to construct MDL file paths when using the module builder.
      • Remove invalid optimization in DAG hashing.
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited May 2022

    Daz Studio - *Public Build*


    • Note: Minimum driver requirement (to properly support both CUDA 11.2.2 and OptiX 7.3)
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Iray 2021.1.3, build 3349500.9894

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Added a registry IDebug_configuration option index_library_path which controls where to look for libnvindex and its plugins. The default is empty, which leaves the default behavior unchanged.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • libbsdf: Implemented clarified df::thin_film specification - it now propagates the thin film coating parameters to its base and , in case the base is df::fresnel_layer or df::fresnel_factor, the correct coating effect on the Fresnel term is computed there (nvbugs OM-33639).

    Fixed Bugs

    • Iray Photoreal & Iray Interactive
      • Clamped light cosines for EDF evaluation due to possible numerical issues (nvbugs 3550059).
      • Avoid texture compression on textures that are evaluated using float3-reads (via MDL). This fixes e.g. artifacts on normal maps when using the global texture compression option.
      • Fixed crash in CPU implementation of 8-bit-scalar texel lookup MDL runtime function (MDL-828).
    • Iray Photoreal
      • Fixed a hang when using guided sampling due to an invalid setup of the guidance synchronizer (nvbugs 3602673).
      • Fixed initial IOR/volume stack handling for lights and cameras for certain materials (nvbugs 3632721).
      • Fixed an issue where caustic sampler paths starting on the environment got wrong IOR/volume stacks assigned (nvbugs 3632718)
      • Fixed an inconsistency for paths connecting through transparent surfaces.
      • Avoid potential memory leaks when resetting a texture.
    • Iray Interactive
      • Properly override texture compression if iray_texture_compression string option is set.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • Respect scene option texture compression override when determining if MDL resources need an additional alpha channel texture (OM-46894).
      • Fixed mipmapping of 2D texture access in the native texture runtime (used with native code generation).
      • libbsdf: Fixed numerical corner case in df::measured_factor causing broken auxiliary buffer on the native backend.
      • Removed double precision computations in libbsdf implementation, causing double type used in HLSL/native/PTX.
    • MI exporter
      • Consider selector when creating image/volume db names.
      • Prevent export of standard flags (nvbugs 3607259).
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Daz Studio - *Public Build*


    • Note: Minimum driver requirement (to properly support both CUDA 11.2.2 and OptiX 7.3)
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Iray 2021.1.4, build 349500.10153

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Internal-only release.
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Iray 2021.1.5, build 349500.10431

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Updated general libraries:​
        • Embree-3.13.2-359470 (with a custom patch for the crashes seen in nvbugs 3643565)

    Fixed Bugs

    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • Fixed handling of the uniform modifier in the MDL module builder that caused correct graph constructions to fail.
      • Fixed generation of pattern including thin film.
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Iray 2021.1.6, build 349500.11420

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Add versioning to the IndeX Direct libraries.
      • Updated general libraries:
        • OpenSSL 1.1.1q
        • FreeImage-3.19.x-r1903-OpenEXR-3.1.5-libTIFF-4.4.0-360897
        • FFmpeg-lgpl-4.4.2-360169
        • OpenEXR 3.1.5
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • Added Python bindings wrapper for IMdl_evaluator_api to support additional MDL annotations (OM-11581).
      • Fixed serialization failures when serializing optimized modules with removed unused functions.

    Fixed Bugs

    • Iray Photoreal
      • Fixed crash when using df::microfacet_ggx_smith_bsdf.
      • Improved preprocessing speed for multiregion/material objects.
    • MI exporter
      • Avoid exporting (ignored on import) face statements.
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Daz Studio - *Public Build*


    • Note: Minimum driver requirement (to properly support both CUDA 11.2.2 and OptiX 7.3)
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Daz Studio


    • Note: Minimum driver requirement (to properly support both CUDA 11.2.2 and OptiX 7.3)
This discussion has been closed.