DAZ Studio Iray HDR Outdoor Environments & DAZ Studio Iray HDR Interiors Speeds up Iray Renders!

I have been messing about with Iray Rendering, its very good but very slow. However I have purchased the above products which are a combinations of Lights and Scenery and boy is it quicker to render using them, plus the lighting is good!
With the renders I have been doing I was getting to around 15% convergence after 48 hours, now I can get to +95% in less than 4 hours. I have used both lights and backdrop, not tried lights only, so if the supplied backdrops look useful to you, and you find Iray too slow, you might find worth trying - its on big discount as I write!
That's good news! I was thinking about buying them, and they have just moved up a few steps on the ladder! :-)
They are impressive products, and DT has done a great job including cameras with them. I highly recommend the sets, along with his other HDRI lights as well.
Does anybody know how to enable those products in preview? I don't see a thing until I start rendering.
There really isn't a way to do that. You'd need to either use the Nvidia Draw Style or the Aux Viewport to see, because there is no geometry... its all the HDRI photo.
I bought the Interiors product but have no idea how to use it. This product has such nice promo images. How do I get results like that? All I'm rendering is a solid gray background. Are there instructions anywhere for this product?
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I just purchased DAZ Studio Iray HDR Interiors. It's great but the characters I insert into the scenes are floating in the air. How can I get them to move to the ground or move the ground up to my characters? The characters are also not sized proportionately to the scene. Help,pleases:-)
For the best results with those sets, you want to use the included cameras, they should clear up most of your problems.
How are you loading it? IF you use the presets it should load the proper settings to render the background.
Using the cameras worked. It seems I had messed with the perspective BEFORE trying the cameras. It's working now. THANKS!
I am sorry to say that this statement says nothing if you cannot really compare the settings you have used before and after
I really wish there was at least some very basic instructions on how to use this set. At the moment the tips and tricks thread is 41 pages.
For instance I loaded the Maui background to use with Streets of Old London and the whole scene was in shadow. It took 20 minutes to find out I had to change the dome radius. The default area that was lit was not near my camera and was so small I couldn't see it.
it's a very good product indeed, but I have a few troubles using it.
For example: it seems not possible to change the preset after you loaded it once into the scene, i.e. loading a differend preset. The envivronment map stays the same instead of being replaced. Is there a way to solve that or do I have to make a new scene every time I want to change the light?
Under the Render Settings tab (assuming you have the Iray renderer selected, if it's 3Delight or anything other than Iray than change it), there should be a section called "Environment". Go to it and make sure that you have "Draw Dome" on. If it's off, it renders with the lights from the HDRI but doesn't show the image. If it's on, it does show the image. Give that a look.
I haven't fully tested this out but try clicking the "Defaults" button to reset the render settings and then load a new preset.
I haven't fully tested this out but try clicking the "Defaults" button to reset the render settings and then load a new preset.
Okay, that helped :) Thank you
Yes. HDRI/IBL in Iray is blazing fast! This was one of my main reasons for creating the Apocalyptic Outdoors set. Included with that set is a Quick Start Guide to the Iray Dome and the Use of HDRIs.
Getting it all figured out can take just a bit of time, but the effort is worth it. On most systems, you should be able to set the viewport to NVIDIA mode and with only the HDR loaded... turn off your props or figures to start with, you should get a pretty good render in a few minutes even on CPU only. If you have a fairly quick card, just a few seconds.
Be sure to test out setting the dome to finite and I like a scale of 10. This depends on the HDRI. With finite mode, you in essence wind up with more area to work in. When you move a camera or figure in infinite space, the background doesn't change because it's infinite. Sort of like moving under the stars. Drive 50 miles and other than the earth's rotation, the stars all look the same. With finite dome, when you move the camera it does move within the dome... I suppose sort of like being in a planetarium and walking across the room. The stars do change.
Hope this is some help!