Trying to find desert-soldier-poses for M3
Posts: 1,273
Trying to find desert-soldier-poses for M3
I looked in poser content-pose-couldnt find it there
or in content library
thanks for the help
You really need to learn how to find your products. If using DIM, right-click on the Product, select "Show Installed files...". The popup will show the relative path in the library where you can find the assets.
If not using DIM, open the .zip file and follow the folder structure. The assets will be in the same relative location in the Content Library folders.
Ok I will do that from now on thank you
I did find the desert solder poses through DIM thank you for telling me how, however I could not find Ravenessa V3 Texture/Character Set for P4/P5/P6 there though so I manualy downloaded the zip as you said but still couldnt find it, it did reinstall through DIM thinking that may be the issue-I tried tyo find iton my own, I looked everywhere ion poser formats, am I looking in the wrong area for this one?
thank you
How do you normally install? If you are using Connect, installing with again DIM will be ineffective, and just double the space used (the two do not cooperate well).
Raveness is a hot mess. It was poorly packaged and is missing files, and is really intended for Poser and its procedural shaders, which DAZ Studio cannot use.
I normally use central, only if the product didnt install good I reinstall through DIM, ok thanks for letting me know about Ravenessa,
BTW there is a M3 character that does seem to change the face shape-DNA Merlin
one question, when a face is applied in faces of Africa does it give you sliders so you can miux them or just add a little of a certain face etc?
Faces of Africa has sliders, but no presets (you dial them in after). You can inject them all or one at a time and combine whichever way you want. It does not set the value, just adds the control to the head.