Is it possible to reinstall daz with only the products that I use

Is it possible to reinstall daz with only the products that I use
Over the years I have bought so many things that I do not use making it more time consuming to find things in the library. In the past when I reinstall all the products get reinstalled with it, is there a way using DIM to pick one by one what I want to have installed leaving all the ones I never use out of the library?
You don't need to reinstall D/S, it's the content you want changed.
Fastest way I know of to clear content is to simply rename that folder so D/S does not "see" it. Clear out all the meta junk for DIM. Then in DIM sign in and technically {if I recall correctly} everything will show up as needing to be installed. Don't. Just sort by name to find the products you want to install and download/install those. If all is going well, then you can either move the old Contents folder that you rename into permanent storage or delete it. It should pop up a warning that it's too big for the recycle bin are you sure want to delete it, confirming will clear it off. If you want to move the old Contents folder into storage, I would recommend taking the day and doing it piece meal because asking the OS to move the whole thing will likely choke it.
Thanks Catherine,
I can try to do that on this machine. I am also having a new one built, for that one when I install daz for the first time on it is there a way through DIM to only instyall the products I will use and leave all the others completely pout of the library unless I will manually install one if I decieded I needed it?
I don't have DIM installed atm to check, but as I recall, there are filters - can certainly skip the legacy stuff, and possibly the Poser files {there are some newer ones though so may be hit and miss}, filter by program {uncheck D/S3 for example}, etc.
If you really don't want to install many products, you don't have to use DIM. You can go to the Product Library in your account and manually download them. That's what I do for the day to day shopping. I love using DIM when wanting to reinstall almost everything because it is fast and efficient for doing that.
You can install items in DIM, with Studio open, and depending on what they are - then loading the character will access the just loaded items
Installing items with Studio open can cause issues.
Create a customer folder, install just the items you want to that folder. As Catherine says, keep the existing one, it will save some time installing em all if you decide you need 'em.
I will only install the ones I need but daz does put uninstalled items in the library-they are at the bottom of any letter section and they are in grey as they arent installed yet, thats another thing I was worried about happeneing-
but that shouldn't happen either?
All Ill do is install 4.20 then I guess I need all the starter essentails and after that Ill choose the products I want in the library-does that sound like the correct eay to do it?
Also need to install any plugins, scripts, etc. that you want to use in 4.20.
Can you give some examples of scripts please. Plug ins would be things like bookmarks and mesh grabber? Thanks
Well look through what you have already in your script folder. My Library > Scripts ... Some may be purchased, or you might have lots from mcasual for example.
In order not to have all these greyed out products that I own but do want to use at this time in the library Tech support told me to have
"Have your smart content set to "installed" instead of "all" at the bottom, these will not appear."
I cannot find where to set smart content to " installed" though I dont see any button for that, can someone send me a screen shot where I can set it to installed intead of "all" please
In the Products tab of Smart Content there is a set of buttons across the bottom - All, Installed, Available, Updates, and Pending.
thanks Ricahrd, turns out it was already set to installed but still greyed out unused products still present, guess it doesnt work 100%?
Do you have a screen shot?
the greyed out ones I have uninstalled, I restarted daz thinking tht may be whats goinmg on but they are all still there,
When you uninstall something that was previously installed (at least with DIM), the product icon remains at the bottom of the Product list, greyed-out, because the metadata isn't truly deleted.
Do not even look at the Smart Content tabs for installation guidance. Continue to use DIM as you have been, and do not mix with Connect (through Smart Content). Just use the Installed tab to use what you actually have installed.
If you really want to remove the greyed-out icons, go to the Content Library - Product list and select each alphanumeric folder. The uninstalled products will be at the bottom of the list. You can delete all trace from the database by deleting (right-click -> Delete) the greyed-out icons (unfortunately only one at a time). There's a cause looking for a script... (You cannot remove them from the Smart Content pane directly).
That's showing icons in the Content Library, not in Smart Content - it is Smart Content that has the install state filters.
I thought that tech support told me it would work like that,
so there is not a way to get rid of the greyed out ones in library,
and on a brand new machine if I only install thew products I want throuigh DIM will all these greyed out uninstalled products I won still appear in the library?
NorthOf45, I did right click in library to uninstall these but when I reopened daz the next time they were still there, or I didnt understand what you said correctly?
You install and uninstall with DIM (or DAZ Central), or you install and uninstall with Connect (through Smart Content), don't mix the two. If you installed with DIM, you cannot uninstall from Studio in the Smart Content tab, and vice versa.
Smart Content will see the assets and provide the necessary associations and dependencies regardless of how it got the metadata, from DIM or from Connect.
If the icon is greyed out, Studio does not see the product as installed, so you couldn't uninstall it even if you tried, but it shows as available. If you are using DIM, do not ever install from Smart Content. I can't say that often enough.
To remove the greyed-out icon, go to the Content Library tab (NOT Smart Content). Select Products on the left. You will see the alphanumeric headings. Pick one. Wait for it to refresh the view. Go to the bottom of the list. Any uninstalled products will be there as greyed-out icons. Right-click on one and DELETE it (you cannot do that from the Smart Content tab). Studio will process for a few seconds and the view will clear. You have to pick the alphanumeric heading again and return to the bottom of the list if there are more to delete. Repeat for each uninstalled product you want to make disappear. I do not know of any way to do more than one at a time.
After deleting the product from the database, they should not appear in the Smart Content All or Available tab anymore. (I say "should", but I have never let Studio log in, so I cannot say for sure, but when I do this procedure on my Content Library, the greyed-out icons for uninstalled products in the Smart Content views also disappear).
Thanks North, I have to read that a few times t oreally get wjhat you said,
I never used smart content to in stall or uninstall, the only reason I even tried that was tech support said t obut he must have misunderstood what I meant
Illl have a new machine and I will only choose to install what I want, I just hope that all the things ready to download in DIM, that I did not choose to download do not go into the library appearing at bottom of any particular letter greyed out-but if they do I guess that is as good as you can get it, I guess as long as all the junk is on the bottom of any letter's section it wont be as bad as installed ones mixed in with all the good stuff
If you don't install it, then uninstall it, a product won't show a greyed-out icon in the Product view of the Content Library, nor in Smart Content if you do not log in. Download everything if you wish, just install the ones you want. The never-installed will not appear anywhere except in DIM - Ready to Install. If you later decide to uninstall something, any greyed-out icons won't interfere, there is no content associated with them, just some metadata, unless you delete it as previously explained.
Ok that soudns good thanks