How can I use a Flipmode's Easy Environments skydome in iray?

Bruno AcciolyBruno Accioly Posts: 22
edited May 2015 in The Commons

This puzzles me a bit.
I wold love to be able to use my Easy Environments skydomes and other skydomes I have in a iray render.
To do this I am guessing I would have to make the inner surface of the skydome luminous or make it not cast any shadows.
HDRi domes are awesome, but I don't owe them and I really wouldn't like to toss my old content.

Any tips?


ps: Attached I am sending a sample of a scene I made using the Age of Armour's Adavnced Light solution and Flipmode's Easy Environment.

1920 x 1080 - 1M
Post edited by Bruno Accioly on


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