[Solved] Missing Files when I open a saved scene.

Why does it always say I lost this thing? I have installed it countless times.
This make me couldn't use Render Doctor rending series of scene.

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Post edited by xlpasstest on
How did you install?
I've had the same issue recently (since the update to latest public version).
I install everything via DIM, but to get things working I click install from the popup.
Does this make it come through Daz Connect now?
I usually work in offline mode.
As a follow up, I checked my Daz Connect folder in the content library, and as I feared, my Genesis 8 Essentials are now showing in Daz Connect.
I prefer not to log in to Daz when I load up, (to avoid this problem).
Daz will work if I load it, but having to reload Essentials everytime I load a G8 character or load a saved scene with a G8 is cumbersome.
Am I correct that the only solution is to uninstall via connect, uninstall via DIM, reboot and make sure they no longer show, then reinstall in DIM?
I saw another thread where that was the proferred solution for a "missing files" error for products.
Because the Connect path has extra steps (contentdirectory/data/cloud/1_#####/ in front of the usual relative path) it is possible, on Windows, for the total path string length to exceed the alowable Windows path string length [of 260 characters]. I would think that was also possible with non-Connect isntalls, but it requires longer names/more folders to trigger it. We are told that this is an issue that is being worked on, but in the meantime look at the length of the names to get to the actual files and if it is very long consider using a different location which will yield a shorter run of characters in the full path.
Removed the section on non-Connect isntalls - apparently it depends on the libraries used for handling, and Connect is different in that respect.
I am a mac user, and I have the same issues also.
After the last update, almos all my scenes had lost their path references.
I installed my stuffs by Daz Central, and before the update everything was working right in the same path.
This isn't the same issue as I mentioned, and the original poser is using Windows. Daz Central and mac are both unaffected by the issue I mentioned.
Just press install selected button in image.
About the 260 character limit, when I installed python, it already disabled.
That is a setting to allow aplications to exceed the path length, it doesn't mean they can - and it appears that this isn't the issue since somce parts of DS cana lready do it (hence the problem being only with Connect installs). See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/maximum-file-path-limitation for more infromation
I found the solution, if anyone else had this problem (Maybe not for everyone.)
1. unzip your duf file.
2. find & remove all start with(under scene -> animations): { "url" : "Chin:
In redoing much of my Poser and Daz Studio content lately so that products would open in both Poser and Daz Studio without throwing various error warnings such as missing files, paths, etc.), I have had to uninstall and reinstall much content that was from other sites (Renderosity, RuntimeDNA, Content Paradise, others). Some content from the Daz Studio store was also involved - mostly old content but a few more recent ones as well. I found that in many of the cases of “Missing Files”, one or more the product’s files (Figure, Prop, Pose, Material, etc.) contained directory paths to files and/or URLs that would not be valid on anyone's computer except the vendor's computer. Editing these bad paths so that they pointed to the actual locations on my computer solved the problem as well.