Pulling my hair out with HDRis

I'm using Urban Wastlands, one of iRadiance's products. It's just what I need for a scene sequence, but what is the relationshiop between Dome Scale and Ground Texture Scale? I have the environment set to Finite Sphere with Ground so that I can spin the camera around my subject, but I keep getting this "ramping" of the ground texture instead of a flat ground to the horizon. I wonder if there is some universally prescribed setting? What am I doing wrong?
I've posted about this before, because some HDRIs, even by the same PA, seem to be more or less susceptible to this issue.
Thank you!
Post edited by RenderPretender on
There's a good explanation here - https://renderguide.com/daz3d-how-to-make-dome-visible-tutorial/
Start about halfway down with the section titled 'Daz3D Dome Mode – With Ground'. Essentially Ground Texture Scale alters the scale of your character in relation to the set but changing that will probably squish and distort the background which can, in turn, be corrected with the Dome Scale. There are no right numbers to plug in unfortunately - simple trial and error.
If this isn't what you're after, perhaps a picture of your problem?
Usually the problems start to emerge when you start moving away the camera from the center of the HDRI sphere.
The iRadiance Pro Series 16k HDRIs - Urban Wastelands has even a complete scene where the camera can only be rotated but not moved. You never should see a distortion in the HDRI this way. But unfortunately you can't move the camera around your character.
What you described is only possible when swiching to Infinite Sphere mode without a ground. However this gives only good results for aerial shots but in this case works quite well.