Having lights shine during sun sky only render mode

Having lights shine during sun sky only render mode.
There are a few sets I have where are the lights still continue to shine during sun sky only I thought they must be emmisive lights but when I tried to put an emmisive light in the scene it did not give fourth any light.
is there a certain light or technique I can use to lite up certain little areas individually while in sun sky only render mode? Thank you
Set environment mode to Dome and Scene and remove the HDRI from the environment map slot.
I like set of hdri's I just got but they are in sunsky only mode, If I put it into scene and dome then that hdri doesnt function and daz reverts back to the default or the last hdri I had in there during dome and scene mode
HDRIs don't work in sun/sky only mode, so I don't understand what you're asking.
this is the set, maybe they are not hdri's it just says render as it's label so it mus just be saved render settings?
Anyway... when any of these are applied render settings goes into sun sky only mode- there are lites that work from a lamp-I guess they are emmisive judging from their properties in surfaces but as I was saying when I attempt an emmisive lite mine give forth no lite
Hi Vic,
Emissive lights work regardless of the Environment Mode. It's the built in lights - spot, point and distant that are excluded by Sun/Sky and Dome Only.
If the lights don't work they're not emissive and Gordig had the solution for you - change the Environment Mode to Dome and Scene and set the Environment Map to 'None' in Render Settings. Sun/Sky really is just a compatibility setting at this point. Why use it when Dome/Scene with no map does exactly the same job with exactly the same options and exactly the same results but lets you use the built in lights if you want them?
After Rain 2 does not use HDRI lighting so you can happily set it to Dome/Scene and delete the map. The lights you added (which aren't emissive - that's a term for a particular kind of light rather than referencing the fact that any lights 'emit', well, light!) will now work. Emissive lights are geometry which have their light emission settings activated and set in the shader. They are not the built-in spotlight, point light etc.) will now work.
Yes works now like you said changing to dome and scene and selecting none for the hdri thanks a lot!
Timberwolf if you have after rain can you write me a quick description how to use the 2 puddles I am confused by it, thanks again