AUGH what sale just ended???

My mistake for thinking it was part of a sale that wasn't going to end yet....
I added 2 neftis hair to my cart early this morning... wrote to a client about which one was better suited for her needs, and went to the immigration office to fill out paperwork, came home, had a reply, went to check out... to notice price was back at full price!!
What sale was it if it wasn't a Daz original or a Customer appreciation?
Gah. Can't afford full price, but the sale price was perfect. Now I'm going to have to figure out another solution to the character. Bummer. :(
I HATE how the new store doesn't have the sale end dates on product pages anymore. It's a real stupid mess and makes a lot of trouble for customers. I can't fathom why Daz hasn't fixed this SUPER IMPORTANT issue yet (along with adding file size info.... aren't these two things pretty darn tootin basic for all stores????)
Just frustrated. Store's got a long way to go before it's fully functional. :(
Neftis had a sale of her own over the weekend.
Ditto'ng this bigtime! >:-(
Arg, I didn't see a tag for a particular neftis sale. See why Daz needs to clean up the store and make sales more apparent???
I lost out on hair I needed, and Neftis lost out on two hair purchases.
And my commissioner lost out on a faster art piece.
SERIOUSLY not cool. :(
In the old days, when FastGrab included stuff from PA's, Neftis's stuff was regularly on FastGrab (which is why Neftis just has most of my money, rather than all of my money).
Unfortunately, now it looks as if FastGrab is DAZ Original only.
The 'Sales and Promotions' menu at the top of the page is a good way of seeing what sales are currently going on, although of course it doesn't give you any overview of when stuff is going to go off-sale.
Maybe DAZ should make it possible to 'watch' a sale (in much the same way as you can 'watch' a forum thread) so that you get notifications at specified intervals before the sale ends.
Yes, fast grab is only DO stuff at the moment. We are unsure if PA products will be added or not. Only time will tell. I personally hope the PA stuff comes back cause we use to use it a lot.
It was a post in the regular part of the forum by Neftis, on Friday night IIRC, I bumped it once on Saturday, but it disappeared off the front page pretty quickly.
Agree with everyone that I'd like to see PA stuff back on Fast Grab, though I have picked up a few DO bargains.
Well I don't recall seeing a Neftis category in the sales categories, over the weekend... I recall all the generation tags, and the DM tag, but no Neftis tag, and I didn't see the announcement either. PLEASE Daz.... don't you think its important for customers to know when sales are ending? And starting? It's just plain bad salesmanship to not include that basic info. If a store in Real life didn't specifically state a sale's end date, or a coupon's exp date, a customer would be able to still use it. This is just so aggravating. Worse, its not the first time a sale's ended on something I was about to buy, thanks to category ambiguity (sometimes an item belongs in more than one category- so you'd think it's in one, but it's really the other, so when it ends early, joke's on you).
It's really basic information, I hope Daz gets the act together and starts including this on the product page again, along with real prices, pc prices, and sale prices. Now its just one lump price. Yuck.