remove grass under a building

Noob Daz-er here.
is there a way to remove grass from a grass scene asset like when placing a building on it? When I place a building, the grass comes up through the floor. Is there a way to mask off an area or remove from an area?
I'm not familar with the grasslands, but try clicking on the pertruding grass and delete/hide it. If not, raise the build up until it's no longer poking through.
I would use the Geometry Editor for that. Put the building where you want it, select the Top View (not the Perspective View) in the main viewport, rotated 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees on the Y axis. Then select the grass asset with the offending blades in the Scene tab. Then use the Geometry Editor in the Marquee Selection Mode to draw a rectangle around the building's footprint. That will select all of the grass geometry inside the footprint. Then you can hide it or delete it. Deleting only happens in the scene, so if you were to load that same asset into another scene, it's all still there.
I had first look up a tutorial on the Geometry Editor, that's how new I am
I had to "ungroup" all of the grassland asset because it was made up of lots of component layers and repeat the process for each layer, but it worked perfectly once I figured that out.
Thank you!!
Bpfrocket another way that can work good in many situations is to select any surface using the surface selection tool, then in the surface tab bring the opacity (cutoff), down to zero.