Custom Morphs

just wondering, if i have a figure in Carrara, V4.2 for example morphed in the way i like it.
Than i want to create a single morph that makes the normal V4.2 to the morphed figure, so all face and body morphes are applied.
I have exported the figure to .obj
For the options i have choosen Daz Studio Morph Target, Sureface Fidelity 100%, no Materials and Name Only.
Export Objects in Local Coordinates and Map Carrara Z axis to OBJ Y was greyed automaticly when i choosed Daz Studio Morph Target, so couldnt turn them off.
Than in Daz Studio, i just opened V4.2 (i've done without any morphs and than again with all morphs except Creature Morphs.
Than i selected V4.2, clicked on Edit > Figure > Morph Loader Pro.
Converted from Carrara, tried All Groups and another one with Vertex only, choosed the created obj file as morph file and than clicked accept.
The figure got a morph but when i use the morph it seems like it won't morph to the figure i wanted, i just get lots of spikes out of the figure and it looks very distorted like as it uses a displacement for that.
What am i doing wrong here? Is it because it have Octane Material? But that couldnt do anything as the exported obj was saved without any material.
I created the figure many years ago in Daz Studio, so i might have the original figure but i did a few adjustments to it over the years in Carrara and i wrote down any morph i have made within Carrara, so that i also could manually add the figure in Daz Studio but i would like to do the easiest way.
I think about that i could manually adjust the figure in Daz and create a morph target there, i did one years ago but not sure about it right now.
Edit: Just checked the Model Room in Carrara and it shows the standard V4.2 Figure, so meches should all be correct, so i guess it have something to do with the import/export settings but not sure about that.
Just to add this, i did a few testings and there are things that might could influence the result, if anybody knows more about this, i would appreciate it.
I did adjust the figure manually in Daz yesterday night and found out that the head morphs in Daz are all in percent but in Carrara there are not. Could that have some impact of the morph import?
On the other end, i modified a dress to fit on my figure, saved as obj and imported it as morph in morph loader pro in Daz to create a morph for the dress itself.
The lower part, hips region morphs as it should but the chest region did get distorted again as it creates a spike displacement.
About the distortion effect, i've heard that if the Geometry or Vertexes get out of order that the results could lead to distortion.
The question is, does shaping and changing the position of the vertexes are the reason for that? If yes, why did i got this kind of result for the full body morph if i haven't changed any of the vertexes there? Or is there an easier way to create the morph in Carrara itself without the need to import and export the file?
in Carrara you can use an existing morph channel, which one depends if the whole figure or a body part such as the head
obviously your morph import will overwrite the original one you are replacing in that Carrara scene
The DS values go from 0 to 1, showing them as percentages is just a matter of presentation.
I was able to get at least the dress for my character as i have modeled it but for this video it is applied to G2 so it's at the end not a morph but a standalone shaped dress.
Transfer Utility works for Genesis, Genesis2 and i guess also Genesis3 but loaded V4.2 didn't appeared there (for source item), is there another way for that?
in DAZ studio using morphloader you need to make sure you are in fact importing her the correct scale
exporting from Carrara with the option for DAZ studio morph target in the obj dialogue should do it but you can check by importing the obj its self
morphloader it should be default
only Carrara setting if you exported it default from Carrara
you need to create a delta using the ExP under the hamburger menu to save it as an injectable morph without loading the obj that is why using an existing morph is much easier for Carrara
to put it simply you need to choose whether you are intending to use it in Carrara or DAZ studio as doing it for both is much more complicated and honestly I use Poser 7 myself to do that!