How do I tell the Installer where to find my Manifest folder?

I am a long-time user and am switching computers, as my old one is nearing its tenth birthday... I know, yikes. I pretty much had everything lined out when I realized I could direct DazDim1 to my Download directory, but not the Manifest. Since it's pretty much in the same location on my new drive as it was on the old, I was hoping it wouldn't get confused, but I've never see a program so confused in all my life. It just randomly makes new directories and builds new folders all over. I checked in Daz Studio and managed to confuse it too, but can't figure out where its getting its input or how I'm supposed to help it. Someone out there, please help me before I go as crazy as this new system.
In Daz Install Manager there is a gear icon in the upper right corner. Click on that and select Basic Settings. That will show you all the paths that you have set in DIM. If you need to access more detailed settings, select Advanced Settings instead.
Ok, I figured it out. I had an older version of the 32 bit Daz Dim that didn't have the option to switch from basic to advanced, so there really was no way in that installer to change the Manifest directory. I downloaded a new version and fixed that issue... now I'm on to others that will likely lead to fresh install. Thanks, for the input, though.
In older versions of DIM we had to edit the .ini file to chnage the manifests location, but it was possible. Not that you would want to be using such an old version, even for offline installation.