PostgreSQL CMS Error

vayshethvaysheth Posts: 31
edited May 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

I am in process of setting up a new system and high on my priority list is getting Daz Studio up and running. I don't know why this has been such a chore this time 'round, but no matter what I do, I'm getting a can't establish a PostgreSQL CMS connection error. I've tried evrything I can think of to fix this including edditing appropriate .dlls to list the correct path, but nothing seems to be working. Any suggestions?

Post edited by vaysheth on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Editing .dll files would be an extremely bad idea, I hope they are just configuration files.

    Is this with a clean database or have you copied across your old database? What security software are you using? Are you using the same version of PostgreSQL on both systems (especially important if you have transferred the database)?

  • vayshethvaysheth Posts: 31

    Editting .dlls is only bad if you don't know what you're doing. It was a clean database, (but I have tried a fresh install already) I am using Panda, (to which I am new and still learning to navigate) and I am using the same version. I'm really at a loss here. When I first transferred everything over I was connected to CMS, but the manifest fies were not directed correctly. Somewhere in the steps to redirecting the directory I lost contact with PostgreSQL. DazDim1 is also not connecting, and no, I hadn't edited any .dlls at that point. I broke down and tried some unconventional solutions when all reasonable attempts failed. Does anyone know where the path to the PostgreSQL are located? Because I haven't found that yet either.

  • vayshethvaysheth Posts: 31
    edited May 2022

    Urika! I found it. I have limited space (only 1 TB) on my main drive, but have 8TB for renders and animations on a second drive, so I had forced the install to the secondary. However, some files didn't go where they belonged and I moved them manually. My HLog in (drive):\Users\(User Name)\App Data\Roaming\Daz 3D\InstallManager told me that Daz had run a script before I had done so, which had cemented the location path somewhere deep in the bowels of the Studio. Basically, I had to move a select few folders back to my limited drive as I can't see any way to rerun the script or redirect the file path. So, if anyone else runs into a similar issue down the road, that's the default path to find out what Daz has done with your PostgreSQL files and, near as I can tell, there is no moving them once they've been established.

    On another note, in case anyone's worried about those pesky .dlls: they deserved their editting as they too reflected my main drive from which I had taken the files and folders and in which I had never wanted them in the first place. Everything seems to be running swimmingly now.

    Post edited by vaysheth on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Edit>Preferences>Content tab, click Content Directory Manager, and you have access to all paths.

  • vayshethvaysheth Posts: 31
    edited May 2022

    No, I had no access to that one. There are two tabs that let you set your CMS path there and both of them would auto-depopulate after being set. Everytime I opened that Tab it just said CMS directory; I would change it appropriately, hit apply, reopen the tab, and it would just say CMS directory. As I said, I tried everything. The take away is, do all your pathing before opening DAZ. Once it runs that script (mentioned in my previous post) the path is set in stone somewhere in the bowels of Daz' innerworkings. I could not view, set, or change the PostgreSQL CMS directory from anywhere except the Hlog.

    Post edited by vaysheth on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    I just moved mine - from my E drive to my C drive (from a sata drive to an ssd, for the speed).

    1) Shut down DIM, if running

    2) Start DAZ Studio if not running

    3) Content Library tab hamburger menu -> Stop CMS; take default 'fast'

    4) Verify in task manager Details tab that there are no postgres instances running

    5) With Windows Explorer, copy the full cms path to the desired location (mine was about 5.4 GB)

    6) Rename original high-level path name (optional)

    7) In Studio - Edit -> Preferences; select the CMS tab

    8) Browse to new path and select it

    9) Apply, then Accept

    10) Content Library tab hanburger menu -> Start CMS

    11) Verify in task manager the presence of postgres tasks

    12) Start DIM - offline mode

    13) Settings (gear icon, advanced settings)

    14) Verify in installation tab, that the new path shows for Content Database base

    15) Shut down DIM and Studio

    16) Wait until all postgres tasks exit (task manager)

    17) Start DIM - offline

    18) Advanced settings, installation tab - verify path of Content Database base

    19) Delete old cms path and content

    The longest part of the process was the copy from the E drive to the C drive.


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    The easyist way to avoid this fo-feraw in the first place is to install DIM, start it up in offline mode, and define all your paths and other settings including the CMS location, and then start the installation of everything else, starting with the PostgreSQL package. As soon as PostgreSQL is installed DIM will fire it up and it will create the database.

  • vayshethvaysheth Posts: 31

    Thank you very much. Yes, my mistake was that I had logged in to CMS before realizing that whole folders were not where I wanted them. After it ran its script, Daz was very unhappy that I moved things. I agree, though, I needed to do my initial startup in offline mode to verify all my paths were showing correctly since I did not use the defaults. This is a good write-up, thanks again.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Daz Studio wil not care if you move content directories, as long as you continue to point to the correct folder (the one that holds the Runtime and Data folders) as the content directory. Only DIM and Daz Central care about the absolute location.

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