Carrousel of renders

Has anyone developed a way of displaying Daz renders held in the render library?
I'd like to be able to display my renders (hopefully without the thumbnails) full screen and on a timed loop so I don't have to manually intervene.
maybe you can use IrfanVew. The image vieewr displasy many image formats and you can start an automatic dsiplay of all pictures in a folder. a nice kind of diashow.
I should have added I'm using a Apple Mac system.
You could simply use the Preview app for that, with it you can view pics as slideshows in full screen. Select the pics you want to view in the Finder, doubleclick to open (or right-click to select the preferred app), or launch Preview and go to open file, browse for your pics.
I've tried that but its a long task deselecting all the thumbnails :-(
Create a new folder for your renders (outside your render library). DS only creates thumbnails if using the default path pointing to the render library. Remember to point DS to your new folder.
Render Library is the key term, not default path. In the Render Window there is a button next to the picker for the Render Libnrary to use - click that and select the folder icon instead, then choose a location that isn't in the Render Library (or use the render Library manager, from the Render Library pane option menu, to point it to a folder that doesn't contain images). You can also just use File>Save Last Render to save anywhere.