Iray Settings - Architectural & Caustic Samplers - Some Info from Autodesk Website

PatroklosPatroklos Posts: 533
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Architectural Sampler
Turn on for interior scenes. Architectural sampling improves the accuracy of interior lighting, and reduces the graininess of the rendering.
Important: While the Architectural Sampler is active, iray renders only motion blur that results from camera motion. All other kinds of motion blur are ignored.
Caustic Sampler
Turn on for scenes that include caustics. Caustics are light patterns that occur when light illuminates a surface via specular reflection or transmission; for example, the light cast onto a tablecloth by a glass of water. Caustics sampling improves the accuracy of these patterns.

Does anyone know the effective upper limit for "Rendering Quality". The slider seems to go up to infinity.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited December 1969

    They were set to unlimeted, according to DAZ Spookey somwhere in one of the Beta threads.
    There's a neat pic for Caustics in the New Features, btw.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    edited December 1969

    Here's a little tidbit that might bear more testing, but I think holds true.

    When using Sun&Sky; or some other global illumination for an indoor scene (ie light through windows), use the Architectural Sampler; BUT, if you have other lights, you may want to render them in a separate pass. In my experience thus far, mixing the light types in this way (especially with the Architectural Sampler) can bring your render to its knees pretty quick.

    Seems one could do this via canvases, but those seem to be mostly undocumented at this point.

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,706
    edited December 1969

    We’ve also created a pointer page that shows various threads on Iray that have been very helpful. You might want to check these pages for the topic you're starting. Rather than start new Iray pages, please check these sources first since it keeps the places to look for information simplified. These are also pages where many Iray users have been discussing Iray topics and so may be much more helpful to you. When there are dozens of threads, one forgets where they saw what and information may be posted that is very helpful but gets missed.

  • PatroklosPatroklos Posts: 533
    edited December 1969

    Hello Cris,

    I understand your point, however those threads get so big that stuff can get lost in there.

    If I might say, what we really need is proper documentation for Iray, with a pointer to tips and trick for each section.

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