Original Game Content for Daz Figures?

I don't know how to name the title as i am just wondering as this is just a hypothetic question.
If i take 3D content from Games like clothes and hairstyles, make them with original shaders and textures but fitting to work directly on Daz Characters, so that you could just browse your libary and add them and also fit it to the figure like V4, G1, G2, G3 and so.
Would i be allowed to offer this product to people on sites like Renderosity or so?
Just wondering if that would violate some kind of copyright from the content creator but i don't know how this would be with modified content to fit on other figures.
I know that there are for example clothes and hairstyles taken out from games to use them as mods in other games, i also remember that i saw content on daz store that was very similar to some content from games, are that complete new and similar made?
Not a lawyer obviously, but I am pretty sure that if you copy game files and then adapt them for DAZ : copyright breach. No way you can sell that and be in the clear.
if you make something inspired by, using newly created assets? Greyish area I think. Certainly some products in the shop have a certain vibe or resemblance to pop culture products, but different enough to stand alone.
So i guess at the end it should only be used as/for personal purpose.
I personally would never offer content for free or not free if i would violate the copyright rights of the content creator.
with the similar items in the store, if they get too close they get a cease and desist, been a few cases
selling or giving away outright game rips are strictly forbidden but what you do on your own computer without redistributing anything is your business, some allow fan art and provide the tools to do it
things like Garrys mod, Source Filmmaker etc are popular and I know from my own experince I can get rigged Skyrim Content into Carrara with Ultimate Unwrap3D and static mesh with NifSkope
I don't even do videos for my YouTube channel using anything though
Thats pretty interesting. Thanks a lot for the informations! :)