The average DAZ user

edited December 1969 in The Commons


I would like to ask what the average DAZ user is.

People that use it just for fun like me, or game developers or people doing animations for TV broadcasts?

Unfortunately the DAZ store does not have a purchase rank, as far as I could see, so I don't even know which assets are purchased the most.

I think this would be really interesting!



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    DAZ as in DAZ 3D, the Company or Daz Studio (DS) the program?

    There are people here who use one but not the other. :coolsmirk:

  • edited December 1969

    I mean buyers like me. I am not sure what they buy assets for. If it is for fun like me or if the majority does business with it.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Ah well you are going to find that DAZ 3D customers are a very mixed set, Not sure if there is really such a thing as an average buyer.

    Me, it's mostly fun, although I have made a little money over the years, mostly from people using the donate button on my freebie website.

    I am far from the average user though as my main program of choice is Bryce. :coolsmile: and my website is obviously mostly Photoshop work, making textures for DAZ 3D 9and other) items.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612
    edited December 1969

    Most render digital art be it for personal or proffesional use.
    Comics, pictures, book covers, role playing cards you name it.
    Some do games not many, mostly 2D using sprites a few maybe venturing into 3D
    A very rare few make disturbing youtube videos like me.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,680
    edited May 2015

    Considering the apparently large and seemingly unending market for big boobied beauties and skimpwear I'd say that that is a clue to your average user. All other uses would probably be statistically down in the mud.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    I thought most people made Cow images and the big boobied beauties were a misguided effort to get people to want to render humans.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited May 2015

    You scare me sometimes LG... I was about ask a similar question about 45 minutes before your OP, though mine was more about what people here would consider a reasonable price for a new computer system... Being that I've always felt this is more of a hobbyist segment of 3D... Yet lately I see people talking about systems or graphics cards that are really, really pricy, I was wondering if all the folks that have a budget or have to eat or pay rent just died or something...
    But more or less the rest was what you just asked... I decided not to post the thread because when I read it back, it was probably too long a thought/question.
    Then again it was the Tony Stark comment you made in the other thread that made me wonder that in the first place...

    To answer your question... In regards to DAZ... Hobbyist, but a few things I used to add a little pizzazz to a paid project... Other than that, I hope to one day use DAZ/Poser to illustrate some stories I created for my kids... (probably for my grandkids by then).

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674
    edited December 1969

    I've been thinking of setting up some kind of demographics poll/survey for here or the daz facebook group... just been curious about things like age/gender of other folks in the daz community.

  • edited December 1969

    @Scavenger: Like!

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,680
    edited May 2015

    You scare me sometimes LG... I was about ask a similar question about 45 minutes before your OP, though mine was more about what people here would consider a reasonable price for a new computer system... Being that I've always felt this is more of a hobbyist segment of 3D... Yet lately I see people talking about systems or graphics cards that are really, really pricy, I was wondering if all the folks that have a budget or have to eat or pay rent just died or something...
    But more or less the rest was what you just asked... I decided not to post the thread because when I read it back, it was probably too long a thought/question.
    Then again it was the Tony Stark comment you made in the other thread that made me wonder that in the first place...

    To answer your question... In regards to DAZ... Hobbyist, but a few things I used to add a little pizzazz to a paid project... Other than that, I hope to one day use DAZ/Poser to illustrate some stories I created for my kids... (probably for my grandkids by then).

    Well, to directly answer the original poster of this particular thread I'll admit that I do it for fun but not with big boobied beauties but with massively muscled monsters.

    But switching my reply to "lordvicore", I'm a bit confused. Perhaps my comments in another thread prompted your first statement? But we are apparently thinking along the same lines. i.e. how much horsepower do we need for our goals? When my graphic card costs more than my computer I think I see an end to my interest in advancing. Congratulations to the techno-boys who understand all that stuff and have family trust funds to draw upon, but are not the rest of us beginning to feel like we're floundering in the whitewater after years of successful and fun filled surfing? I'm beginning to think that the financial undertow is going to pull me under any minute.

    I still do it for fun and I understand that there are others who do it for their education or as a business, but without accurate statistics we're all just guessing at the numbers. And we're not going to get the numbers by posting questions in the forums because only a tiny fraction of the people who use DAZ products bother to read, much less reply to, the forums. So, any results obtained would be skewed.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • edited December 1969

    DAZ can not reveal the purchase statistics, can they?

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    edited December 1969

    And we're not going to get the numbers by posting question in the forums because only a tiny fraction of the people who use DAZ products bother to read, much less reply to, the forums.

    Bingo, LeatherGryphon. You hit the nail on the head!

    - Greg

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited December 1969

    DAZ can not reveal the purchase statistics, can they?

    In the two years I'm here, the question has been asked numerous times, and the official answer we got from DAZ was always "No."

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    DAZ can not reveal the purchase statistics, can they?

    They can, but they almost certainly will not. The only clue we have to which products are selling well is to click on the What's hot button on the main store page. This shows you what is selling well right now, and the current number 1 is Stonemason's "Streets of Old London" (no great surprise there!)

    To address the OP's original question then I would say that while the majority of buyers of DAZ products are hobbists, there are a number of people using them for commercial reasons (and I am not counting the PA's in this number). I for one fit both categories, since I do 3D for fun, and in addition I use the models to create promotional graphics for my smart phone apps.

  • BarubaryBarubary Posts: 1,217
    edited May 2015

    I knew it - Johannes Heesters is still alive after all!

    DAZ can not reveal the purchase statistics, can they?

    DAZ doesn't even reveal their sale end dates or what's next in terms of new 'figures', so I doubt they will release any crucial information like that to us :D In fact I am pretty sure I recently heard the director of the NSA on TV, saying that they are going to remodel themselves after DAZ to improve their internal security. Although that might be the chocolate-rum truffle-liqueur talking...

    They can, but they almost certainly will not. The only clue we have to which products are selling well is to click on the What's hot button on the main store page. This shows you what is selling well right now, and the current number 1 is Stonemason's "Streets of Old London" (no great surprise there!)

    Do we actually know that for sure? I've been wondering about this for a while, I never saw a statement by DAZ saying that the 'What's Hot' category is in any way related to sales numbers. Might just be the group of items DAZ believes is 'hot' right now and that they suggest we check out.

    Post edited by Barubary on
  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    Several PAs have stated at one time or another that while the big sales are always good for them, their steady stream of income is from folks who buy for commercial purposes, often at full price, because they're just going to bill it to their clients anyway.

    The non-PA folks who use the forums are mostly hobbyists, from what I've read. The folks who never come here probably skew more professional.

    I'm pure hobbyist.

    -- Morgan

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    Barubary said:

    Havos said:
    They can, but they almost certainly will not. The only clue we have to which products are selling well is to click on the What's hot button on the main store page. This shows you what is selling well right now, and the current number 1 is Stonemason's "Streets of Old London" (no great surprise there!)

    Do we actually know that for sure? I've been wondering about this for a while, I never saw a statement by DAZ saying that the 'What's Hot' category is in any way related to sales numbers. Might just be the group of items DAZ believes is 'hot' right now and that they suggest we check out.

    No we do not know this for sure, and indeed DAZ could be using this to push certain items, but I suspect not. The items you see in "What's Hot" are the things I would expect to be there, namely the latest G2F shapes, and recent items from popular PA's like Zev0 and Stonemason. Also you see items that have recently had a deep discount (iClone 6 pro bundle). A few items are almost always in the top lists, for example V6 pro bundle, and the G2F morphs bundle as for many this are the "must have" products when using Genesis 2.

  • BradCarstenBradCarsten Posts: 856
    edited December 1969

    You scare me sometimes LG... I was about ask a similar question about 45 minutes before your OP, though mine was more about what people here would consider a reasonable price for a new computer system... Being that I've always felt this is more of a hobbyist segment of 3D... Yet lately I see people talking about systems or graphics cards that are really, really pricy, I was wondering if all the folks that have a budget or have to eat or pay rent just died or something...

    To answer your question... In regards to DAZ... Hobbyist, but a few things I used to add a little pizzazz to a paid project... Other than that, I hope to one day use DAZ/Poser to illustrate some stories I created for my kids... (probably for my grandkids by then).

    As an author I use Daz for my covers. So I don't make money from it directly, but a great cover will certainly attract a lot more people to my writing, so in that way I'm using it commercially. I have however bought far more than I would ever need, because there is something strangely addictive about this.

    About the graphics cards, I wouldn't buy a great system if I was only using it for rendering, but I am a gamer and need a decent graphics card for that, so once again Daz benefits indirectly from my other hobby.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    My guess is that there are categories of users who fit either the "Pro" or the "Hobbyist" (I'm in the latter). And also categories who fit the Fantasy/Sci-Fi enthusiasts or the "Adult" market. I have a feeling that the latter of these two is massive - probably why so much skimp-wear is on sale. I think DAZ miss a marketing trick by not having an Adults-Only Store (perhaps under a different name). There will be, of course, cross-overs between all categories. I think it is also annoying that bundles are often bulked-out with sci-fi/warrior gear that is of no interest to many of the users. Bundles could be separated into Contemporary or Fantasy, for example.

    I can't afford the kind of hardware (CPU, RAM and Graphics) and software (ZBrush, Lightwave, etc.) that the Pro's can write off as business expenses. They can probably upgrade every year. Even when I was working, I could only hope to upgrade every 4 years. As for content, it is a hobby and I don't drink or smoke or visit restaurants, so I have a small budget every month. Even so, I sometimes get bored with creating 3D stuff and often take breaks of 3 months or more.

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