The software interface turns white

What is causing this glitch? How to restore,now I can't change the window layout。After reinstalling, the problem reappeared.

662 x 569 - 62K

2000 x 1091 - 348K
What is causing this glitch? How to restore,now I can't change the window layout。After reinstalling, the problem reappeared.
That means the program was still open/running when it was reinstalled/updated. You need to uninstall the program and reinstall it. And for future reference NEVER have DS open when you update it.
The reason for this failure is when Content Wizard is used. After an error occurs, DAZ4.20 is reinstalled, and it can be used normally, but this failure will occur again when DAZ is started again after a time.
What do you mean? Content Wizard certainly doesn't trigger or rquire reinstalls for most users.