Daz Studio Postgresql And No Database Found Error

Guys please help me. when i open daz 4.20 iget the postgresql cms error that is shown at the attachments and cant use any of my already installed files and cant even login.
It gives me no database found error when i try to login. Also i tried to changing content files' direction and process metadata queue and reimport metadata.
Also i downloaded the latest version of postgresql from the official website and opened ports on firewalls for it (port 5432) and it still hasnt changed.
Using a stand-alone version of PostgreSQL may not be helping - had you tried with the Daz Install?
I don't see any attachemnts to your post.
I forgot to add them bu havent seen an edit post so im gonna attatch the screeen shots on this post.
And No, I didnt tried the daz install and dont know how to do it
Let me explain myself clearly here, I just resetted my computer recently but saved the daz files i got to a harddrive. Then when pc reseted i just replaced them over where they belong. Then i installed daz installer and updated daz3d to 4.2 but it just dont gives me the files that i got and also i cant login too so i cant install them too. I can install them from daz installer but it just doesnt work because daz3d doesnt seen them.
Sorry i am not downloading from daz installer from daz central's last version.
4.20(.x.x), not 4.2 (which was a really early beta version). Version numbers are not decimals.
If you install with Daz Central it may already have instaled PostgreSQL, and a lot of cotnent, as by default it works with bundles of products for daz Studio rather than a la carte as Install Manger does. Are the installed files showing in the Content Library pane, under Daz Studio Formats and/or Poser Formats? If not theya re not in the right place. Did you restore the actual database, as well as the content files? A restored database can cause issues, even if PostgreSQL is isntalled, due to permissions.
I installed everything again, even daz central, and deleted even appdata folders before install. But when i open the daz it gived the same error. But it showed login screen too but also ended up on an error message without any title or text in it.
Whatever, i saw that i can click on start or stop cms buttons(I were cant before the reinstallation) so i stopped it and start it back. It doesnt solve the problem for sure so i decided to reset the database via content db maintenance. When it finished i processed metadata queue and re-import metadata trought the same path. It also didnt solve the problem because i were still cant login or cant see my files.
But whatsoever when i exit from daz and run it back when i got reply from you it showed me the same error as usual, but beyond that when i try to sign in from the page that appears at the first time you open the app it just didnt give any error and i logged in. So now i can get acess to all my files.
Dont know what solved the problem, probably reinstalling and resetting database and running the app after closing it, but here we are and i hope it helps anyone gets the same issue as me.
And thanks for your interraction with me too Richard. take care
Log in to what? You shouldn't be getting a PostgreSQL log-in, you do not need to log in to your daz account to use daz Studio (unless you are going to use it to install content, whish presumably isn't the case by your description).