Ctrl R don't work and missing files
Posts: 756
I finally got my files uploaded onto my new computer into D drive and have been working with a few things. But, there's two problems I've come up with so far.
1. Control R won't work. Tried in current view and enlarged view (shift F11).
2. I have several blank icons like what's in the pic below.
Any idea what's going on?
Screenshot (8).png
1920 x 1080 - 465K
Do any of the shortcuts show next to commands in the menus? Does the delete key work? It may be an issue with your layout - if so, reload through Window>Workspace>Select Layout (or Window>Workspace>Customise and use the Import button to import the actions only).
The product thumbnails are missing or unreadable - can you open the product? If so are its thumbnails readable, and can you use the files?
Regarding the missing thumbnail pictures, if you can load the product’s contents, then the problem is simply a matter of either no thumbnail in the Runtime/Support folder or a thumbnail that has a different name than that beneath the missing icon. I have encountered this very many times in the past several weeks in redoing content organization on my computer. Some content (particularly some older content, some content from third part sites, and some free content) may not even come with a picture file to be used as a thumbnail.
I use Daz Install Manager to install content from the DAZ3D.com store.
In both cases above, I have corrected the issues as follows:
In the example below of a Daz3D.com store product, the metadata is /Runtime/Support/DAZ_3D_24324_Talk_Show_-_Late_Night_Set_and_Poses.dsx and the needed filename for the thumbnail is DAZ_3D_24324_Talk_Show_-_Late_Night_Set_and_Poses.jpg. In the example below of content from a different store/site that has been installed manually and a product manually created from the content in the mapped folder(s), the metadata is /Runtime/Support/LOCAL_USER_J-scooter.dsx and the needed filename for the thumbnail is LOCAL_USER_J-scooter.jpg .
If the files that the missing thumbnail icon point to won’t load in Daz Studio, then the problem is deeper than just the missing thumbnails. You might try an uninstall/reinstall to see if that works; this process is straightforward in DIM. For content that was manually installed, you’ll have to reverse the process by finding and deleting those folders/files. In an uninstall/reinstall doesn’t result in a product that will load in Daz Studio, then’ you’ll need to look more deeply at what is causing the problem.
Just tried the missing items for Michael 4 that's listed. I clicked on the blank icon and it did show morphing shapes. But i just realized I don't have Michael 4 so I can't test them out to see if they will work. I only have Michael 5 and 6. I'm also have blank icons for Bob Hair: Rachel for Genisis 2 Female, uh, wait. There's too many to list. I'm gonna add pics showing them with their surrounding files I do have to see if they could offer a clue.
I still would like to know why Ctrl R doesn't work.
Not sure what you mean about my delete key. I have deleted images in the viewport, as well as it's working in other programs.
have you looked at the Window>Workspace commands I pointed out?
Do any of the products with missing thimbnails actualy load?
Sorry, I didn't follow you at first. The first pic below is my first try clicking onto the blank icon. You can see other icons show up next to it. So did the hair icon and it worked. So, the problem is getting the first icon to show what it is. It does show up under the Files tab.
The second pic is from Window>Workspace command. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do with it from here.
If you choose City Limits Lite, which is the current option, and click Accept it will reset the layout and should restore the shortcuts (like ctrl R).
Nope, doesn't work.
What about other shortcuts - if you seelct an item and hit the delete key does it go?
It could be that something has caused the Ctrl-R keyboard shortcut to be removed from your installation of Daz Studio. To check, press F3 on your keyboard to bring up the Customize Workspace window. (Alternatively, you can get to it from the menu bar – Window/Workspace/Customize.) Once the window is open, in the left hand panel, scroll down to the Render line. Expand it by clicking on the small box with the plus symbol inside. The first entry under Render will be Render and to its right should be the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+R. See step 1 in the screen capture below. If that is present but not working when you use it to launch a render, then something else is going on. If Ctrl+R is not present (or is something different is present) for a keyboard shortcut, you can right click on the highlighted Render line to bring up a new menu that gives you options regarding the keyboard shortcut for that command. See step 2 in the screen capture below.
jjoyer, thanks for the info. Looked at the render setting and it is already has ctrl R listed. I changed it to alt R and it still didn't work. Went back and reset it to default. Still no luck. I'm going to find another program that uses ctrl R for something to see if it works. If not, then it may be the keyboard.
Well, I switched keyboards. Still didn't work. The problem is with the program.
I just changed the shortcut to F12 and it works. So, the problem is ctrl R won't work in Daz in my new computer. I just checked with my old computer and it works fine. Go figure.
There is a script that will generate a list of accelerators http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/actions/action_accelerators/start
Richard, thanks for the link. But I have no idea what to do with it. I did get rendering working by changing the shortcut to F12.
Download the script and drag it into the Viewport, or copy and paste the code in the ScriptIDE pane and click Execute.