Help with getting puddles to show in in after rain 2

Help with getting puddles to show in in after rain 2
I can see the puddle layers in filament but dont seem to show up in iray and I did make it higher than the ground, the puddle layers look huge also, how after Ic an get it to show do make it individual small puddles?
I have moved them up more and scaled both layers down so I do see something now but it does not look like a water after rain plane really as in the promo
What ground prop are you using them with?
I just clicked on puddle, I dont know what groupo prop you mean it has to be rigged to something or something like that?
usually a puddle of water would be on the ground, so whata re you using for that?
yes it was covering ground, i tried to raise the water different heights but none of the heights made resemble anything like the after rain water in the promo
But what was the ground? I don't have the product, but from the thumbnails it appears to be using grounds with at least a degree of unevenness.
The ground is a terrain that is uneven.
I got to the point where the water is above the whole ground completely and still doesn't look like even water
Here's a render I made with the puddles. Perhaps your problem is your selection of lighting. This was rendered with Sun-Sky Only. The bridge is uneven terrain. The puddle layers are slightly above the lowest part of the bridge surface. You can see some brick areas poking above the puddles and the puddles covering other areas.
Cool, is this done with after rain or after rain 2?
first one (I dont have ), seems to be individual puddles where the second seems to be a huge flat plane
Ok a flat water plane that will show up where there is an indent to the ground, now I get it better I did see it in the next scene I opened, maybe that first one had something that made the water look like transpaent fog only
I also thought afterrain 1 had indivdual puddles so on flat ground like a sidewalk puddles can be placed, thats what I was getting this one for, I didnt look through the promos - however the render lighting in some of them is real good that I havent fouund in other render sets I got, if you agree that the render modes are something special and you know of any other sets that have similar quality or lighting look to the render please let me know of any,
do you make the planes small and use multiple duplicates or thats eally not needed and just use it as full large plane always?
If your water looked like fog, maybe you loaded "After Rain 2 Load Fog" in the Environments category instead of "After Rain 2 Load Puddles" in the Props category. When you load the puddles into the scene, instructions are loaded along with the puddles "INFO - How To Use Puddles". Expand that and follow the instructions. It includes scaling tips.
Here is another image.This is lit by an HDRI. I used the puddles as they loaded. I did not make the planes small and use multiple, but you could if you want tiny puddles, I suppose.
I didn't load the fog. I did try follow instructions. But guess that file was the issue in the new scene I'm using it in I see how it works now I didn't see the puddles in that image you sent though thanks