Advanced product development questions: spurs (freebie)

Hi. If there's a better place to put these questions, I'm happy to oblige. I'm working on something I think others might like, so I'm considering making it available as a freeibie. But I didn't create this model in the usual way. I'm finally after several years really getting the hang of more of Daz Studio's tools. I really don't want to start from scratch learning Blender or Z-brush. So this was created entirely in Daz from primitives, and it does make use of this one additionally: (So therefore if I'm prevented from distributing it because of EULA stipulations, please do let me know.)
Honestly I never thought I'd get as far as I have; I was just trying to see if I could mock up something for my own renders. It's almost ready for that, but with a bit more work I could also make it easier for others. As you can see in the screenshots, it's still a collection of separate objects. I'd like to know if there's a way to connect them all into one single one. I'm picturing an iterative process: save all the brass parts as one object file, import it into Daz, add whatever morphs I want for fitting various boots, and save it as a Prop Asset. Then figure out the strap parts which I stilll don't know how to affix to the brass so they morph when it does.
Another question is about poly count. It looks best with at least SubDivision Level 3. That seems like a lot - most models use base resolution and most High Resolution use 2 unless I have that wrong.. But I guess as long as users know what they're getting before they download it, it's fair. It's a small item on its own so the final file size shouldn't be outrageous. But I have no experience at all. Is my assumption correct?
I'd share it untextured but with surfaces pre-assigned. I envision a standalone prop meant to be parented after loading into a scene. It'll be tedious to match a figure's pose, less so to fit it to the right and left boots, but equally possible for any human figure wearing any boot, within reason. (Orcs and aliens are advised to look elsewhere for spurs!) I designed it around the boot, but it doesn't require that one or even auto-fit it. (I have no idea how to do that.)
But anyone willing to put in the work would find it looks great. As a plus, the brass shape is the US Civil War pattern used throughout the mid- to late-19th century. I can't promise the same about the strap and strap buckle dimensions, but anyone could replace a broken leather strap with one of their own so I'm not worried about that :)
If there are already videos or threads answering some of these, I'd love to know.
Last question: is it even worth it for me to proceed in this way so others might use it? Or am I wasting my time without Blender or something designed to churn out a finished product worthy of the Daz store?