what is the "actions" and scripts menu question while I'm at it.
I was digging around in my studio preferences when I found a list of "actions" which was different from my scripts menu
a) What is this and how do i use it?
b) can I change the order of my scripts in the drop down?
DS 4.7
Actions includes keyboard shortcuts and modifiers for the built-in commands, and for the viewport actions like polygon selection, weight painting and camera control. customactions has the scripts and presets added as Custom Actions, which appear in the Scripts menu unless you move them.
thank you Richard.
I created a script the other day, and it showed up under my scripts menu.
Today, I looked on the menu bar, and there was no option to select scripts. So I created a new script (same one), and the script menu appeared.
I changed layouts, and the script menu was again gone. I take it these aren't persistent, and need to be saved as custom layouts.
Is this correct?