Iray- Render progress percentage bar... Not working?

I can't locate any one place where I read it, but I'm pretty sure that in a couple of the Iray threads in some posts, I've seen people saying stuff about "it does this or that at X percentage"....
Is that a guess or approximation, or is there supposed to be some sort of progress window or something like that?
I'm curious, because I'm rendering an image at the moment and just thought about that... I don't see anything like that on screen.
Is that an option I have to tick off or did I just misinterpret what I read?
So far the only way for me to tell if IRay is actually working is that "Save" and "Resume" don't react when I hover over them, but "Close" does... That and it seems to have less fireflies in it every now and then... Or I'm having a stroke... It's hard to tell.
Thanks in advance for your input on this.
You should see the window below, which is the same window that you get with 3Delight while it is rendering.
It may be hidden behind the main window, and you might need to do an Alt+Tab to make it visible.
I get a progress window (quit small, just like the 3Delight progress window) which shows the current %age and how many iterations, etc - is your perhaps hiding under the render image window?
Ah, JimmyC just beat me to it!
Nope... It's not there... Is it an option I have to activate, perhaps?
I would like this to stay and not close at end of render
maybe as option
I have found at least one other DAZ Studio user that did not have a progress bar... Everyone told him it was behind the active windows, he said he moved them, but it was not there... He seemed to have given up and changed the subject.
I'm curious if anyone else has this problem too.
Are you using Windows, and do you see the progress window when using 3Delight?
Yes, I haven't tried it on my Mac yet, only on my Dell...
Yes, I did see the progress bar before, but that was in 4.7... I just started trying out 4.8 today...
While I was waiting for the render to finish...
I looked up some other posts... And tried something based on what I read... I cancelled my render and set up a different one... Not much different from the first... When I went to render again, the progress bar showed up.
When that render was done, I did another and it showed again... I save the scene and quit DAZ.
Then I started up DS again, and rendered the same scene... The progress bar did not show up... After about the same amount of time, actually a little more I figured it was done, so I typed in a name for the render... Without the progress window this seems to be another way of getting it to save, and saved the image... Then rendered it again... On the second render the window showed...
I don't have the time to try this out again, but it seems like it's only showing after a second render...
Weird... Maybe it's a bug... But until the next version or someone suggests a better way, I'll use this as a workaround...
Thanks everyone for your help.
Eureka! Now I understand what everyone's been talking about all this time in the Iray render threads, because in all the years I've been using every single D|S version I've never used the History button on this dialog. Maybe DAZ should have explained this a bit more clearly. I'm fairly sure I've never seen a screengrab of this, everyone's just said "you see the render progress numbers".
Well, some good has come of this!
Mine stopped working today, it isn't hidden...I looked. It's not there
it's 1/13/2021 and I'm having the same issue. The progress window is not opening when I render. I have tried alt+tab to try and find it. I have hovered over the dazstudio icon in the taskbar to try and find it. I have closed and reopened daz a few times to try and find it. Every time I render there is no progress bar. I can move the window that the image is rendering into, but I can't move daz. I am not sure what to do. I would really like to know how long my renders are going to take