Coming Up This Week - mcjPetals - Plant and grow petals of any shape



  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    10 days later ...

    Sorry to keep people who are waiting, waiting in utter desperation

    but i worked on the mcjCylindricalUVs script update

    then it went super summerfull here so i descended into a state of slackness

    and stupid-animations making. Not as slack as people in The Church of Bob,

    they are the OG of slackness

    new VIDYO !!!!

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    30 days later

    just to say that i did not abandon that project it will come out eventually within weeks, not many weeks, maybe just 1

    in the meantime check my new VIDYO! with cool renders and even cooler music

    here is a short list of my free scripts that let you model/generate meshes

    for those who cant wait to generate petal-like tubes and sheets








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