Who is this girl?

Hello guys,
Recently while browsing DAZ 3D Shop I have stumbled upon this beautiful hair product. Very nicely done indeed! I love it so much! What strikes me is the face of the girl. She looks familiar. Which DAZ character is she? Does anybody know her?

unknown beayty.jpg
1297 x 1672 - 613K

unknown beayty1.jpg
1305 x 1547 - 587K
Post edited by Eternal Force on
@Neftis3D might know. I have no idea if that artist is active in forums but if they are, they might see the ping. You can also send a direct message. I've had quite a few vendors reply to my messages; it's amazing that so many are willing to engage with their customers.
It's a really plain face, even if the features are very regular.
You can create it quite easily if you have the basic morphs (https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-8-female-head-morphs)
Face texture and lights of the scene are also very important, often more than morphology of the face.
Here, it's the soft and subtle light that increase the depth of the look.
I give you a similar morphology (among many others)
The artist is Raiya (he creates female characters by choosing shapes of this type)
The artist Sabby also makes neutral faces, like the one you show us.
It's obvious that if you try to piece this character together on your own, you'll do a better job.
Mousso has some characters that seem to fit that style imo.
It looks like it is not so easy to recognize this character. Thank you for all your tips!
i suppose i like 'plain' then, as I find 'her' to be a strikingly attractive humanoid female representation.
Like others, I see hints of the beautiful Mousso girls, maybe some sabby/seven, and I also see a bit of the familiar neftis3d (mostly hair PA) model.
update: I guess I called it with the neftis3d model, as I didn't realize it was 'her' until I went to the product page, heh.
I believe it's a custom vendor model (not available for sale?), or an updated version of his/her 'orianne' figure from way-back-when (V4?) - so in order to own a contemporary version of 'her' you may have to grab the v4 version of orianne and then 'build' a version of 'her' through a series of generational conversions, or from scratch, using your own wit and resources...
hardly 'plain', to my genetic triggers, heh.
(eta: neftis comment)
It looks like I like "plain" too.
Very beautiful character. Yes, she resembles this Orianne figure. But it's V4. Interesting.