Don't buy the bundle!

chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839
edited December 1969 in The Commons

The Labyrinth of Knossos Bundle looks absolutely stunning, but if you want it today, don't buy it - buy the two bits separately instead:

PC+ Prices : Palace at $20.97 + Labyrinth at (48% off because you bought the palace) $11.93 = $32.90 vs $34.97 for the bundle

Full Prices: $29.95 + $11.93 = $41.88 vs $49.95

The extra saving isn't massive, but worth having. Obviously, once this sale has ended, the bundle becomes better value than its two parts.


  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited December 1969

    Surely won't get 48% off the labyrinth because it's also in the Green Zone. Buying one product in the Green Zone gets 48% off products in the Red Zone. Or so I understand it.

    That said, with a DAZ sale, who knows?

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839
    edited June 2015

    The palace is in the green zone. The labyrinth was released long enough ago to be a normal Merlin product, and included in the 48% of his back catalogue that you get if you buy a green zone item.

    It is confusing though, and probably even more so if you're one of the 2% of men who is red/green colour blind.

    Post edited by chris-2599934 on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited December 1969

    chris said:
    The palace is in the green zone. The labyrinth was released long enough ago to be a normal Merlin product, and included in the 48% of his back catalogue that you get if you buy a green zone item.

    It is confusing though, and probably even more so if you're one of the 2% of men who is red/green colour blind.

    I'm red/green colour-blind, but not affected by this as the blocks of colour are sufficiently large (by a significant amount) to not matter.

    Nice tip; I was considering it, but I have a budget of $200 dollars for the next three months; I have spent far too much recently. Damn Daz! :)

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,680
    edited December 1969

    No parking in the WHITE zone!

  • Merlin StudiosMerlin Studios Posts: 317
    edited December 1969

    chris said:
    ...It is confusing though, and probably even more so if you're one of the 2% of men who is red/green colour blind.

    I'm always confused anyway :)

  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2015

    For platinum club members the red zone discount for buying a green zone item is actually only 18%, because while you get the 48% off, it seems you also lose the 30% PC discount on Daz originals.
    This is misleading, off-putting and probably should be clarified in the terms of the sale.

    ETA: actually I can't tell if it's the PC 30% or the introductory 30% discount that gets knocked off.
    If the introductory discount then I think somewhere the advert should either say get 48% off the full list price, or alternatively, get an additional 18% off of advertised price. As it stands, I believe the average person would expect 48% off the currently listed price.

    Post edited by Redz on
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