Actors, Wardrobe & probes disappeared

Hi Guys
Being new to Daz 4.8, after updating 4.7 funny things happend...all Smart content were moved to Content Liberary and left the left pane completely blank, to show content liberary I have to click pose and animate.
What went wrong or what I have mistakenly done to mess up items and panes like that?
Your help will be heartly appreciated
Thank you for your time

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962 x 612 - 120K
Post edited by dratefs_deed8d8b6c on
The content is always in the content library, but to see the smart content, you need to have the CMS running.
There are various threads about the topic - maybe you have a look at them, if one contains information that helps you?
It looks like you have closed up the Content Library pane by mistake. Click where shown below, and that should open it up again.
Smart Content needs to have either the CMS running if you still use Valentina/CMS, or PostgreSQL if you use that. Did you change to PostgreSQL using DIM, if so, did you run the conversion program which is also available through DIM?
You could try reimporting Metadata from the drop-down menu in the Content Library pane.
Dear Guys, thank you very much for your speedy help....I will follow your instructions and hopefully solve the problem
Thanks again
Dr. Atef Sawi
You can also reset the Workspace layout by going to Window>Workspace>Select Layout. The "classic" layout is called Hollywood Blvd (for some reason).
Hi again
First of all many thanks for
I have taken all steps mention in your reply and even some suggestion from other links you kindly gave me
but the situation is still very happy to go on
1-Procedure I made
reset database
re-imported metadata
Nothing changed, then I checked to see if the port CMS is being blocked by your firewall, it wasn not
2- Un installed daz completely and reinstalled it again using DIM..the situation still the same
Is there any other suggestion that can help getting rid o this situation..sorry to consume your time with
my situation..and many thanks again
Sincerely Dr. Atef Sawi
Are you referring to the Content Library pane not showing in 'Actors Wardrobe and Props', is that still the problem?
If so, please look at my previous post, and click on the place marked on the image, you have closed the pane by accident, and that will re-open it for you.
If it is something else, please explain fully.
Hellooo Guys
Finally the situation became normal
I've just installed PstgreSQL CMS 64 bit, started DS and did reset Database the reloaded Meta date, started DS and....pleasantly it worked
Thank you all..... Thank you all..... Thank you all.....
Sin cerely
Dr. Atef Sawi
I see that you now have your 'Smart Content' displayed, but your 'Content Library' pane on the right is still 'closed up' and you cannot see anything in there in the Actors Wardrobes and Props tab.
At least your problems are solved for now :)
Dearest JimmyC_2009
Actually You have a logic point...after I was pleased to see my smart content while I gave no attention for content Library found out after my last post
it was missing and felt disappointed ...but as we all know that we learn from each other solving situations like mine, at the same time I was a little bit shy to write to all of you again I decided what can try to do to solve situation before coming back to you again
after sometime I presses (trial and error) the pose and animation button and surprisingly I had both pane showing all contents ...that was it yesterday late at night....but I can not see them both at the same time and even forgot if they were shown together before my situation
or not.... You kindly let me know ...please
Thank you for being concerned and helping about my situation.. all my easpect and have to say I like you Pal
Dr. Atef Sawi
You need to click with the Left Mouse Button (LMB) on the part shown in the image to open the Content Library pane. The button shown is in two parts, click on the bottom one, and that should do it for you.
Dear JimmyC_2009
I just want to simply put a smile on your face as a reward you for your time and help, No kidding.. my PC has crashed...!?
Are you smiling now LOL
Anyway an old system image was helpful but of course we are back to ZERO point
I do not want to bother you anymore and it is a chance to thank you and all members who have tried to help me
Thank you all Guys
Dr. Atef Sawi
Dear JimmyC_2009
Good News
Everything after PC crash and using System Image went perfectly good with no situations at all...
I installed DS and install all items I have and you can see the result in the attached photo
Thank you and also many thanks to all guys who tried to help me
Best regards
Dr. Atef Sawi
Excellent news!
Thank you for letting us know. Maybe the crash was just what you needed :)
Nothing happens without a reason...right?
Thank you
I was having a similar problem, but none of my Content nor Smart Content were visible, even though the tabs were open. I slid the sliders and double-checked my Content Paths to no avail. That's when I found the thing about resetting the Workspace.
Finally, after reading this thread, I un/reinstalled PostGre64 and it still did not work. Then I downloaded the PG64 directly from the site and reinstalled it, but again nothing helped.
Finally I uninstalled everything except Install Manager - all my Content, Daz Studio, PostGreSQL - then reinstalled everything through Install Manager. After that, everything worked like it should.
Uninstalling took an hour, and reinstalling took another hour :lol:
Lucky you, it took me over night to download all lovable items after running Daz Manager...congratulatin..for both or us
Take care Pal
Thanks for this reminder! I've been using DAZ for a number of years but when I switched computers, the layout was weird and...after years of use... I forgot all about 'ol Hollywood Blvd.! I'm back on track thanks to your post.