4.2 refuses to start render with gpu

Im using GTX 1660 and also got the newest drivers 512.95 for that card, but not matter what i do in render window appears only that (photo 2), any advice?

548 x 66 - 3K

1213 x 813 - 13K
4.20(.0.17 currently) - the numbers are not decimals.
I have a 1660 Super with 511.65 and it is rendering, but these cards have quite limited memory (especially as they have to emulate the RTX features in memory) - check your log file (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File), I suspect you will find it is just running out of memory ion the card.
..Richard, do you know what the impact on VRAM that the RTX emulation has. My Titan-X was showing 8192 MB (8GB) total memory available in MSI Afterburner even though GPUZ indicates the full 12 GB is available.
Based on previous threads, emulation of RTX features takes about 1GB of VRAM
That would not be related - as far as I know it isn't a permanent chunk taken for RTX emulation by basic drivers, it's a chunk taken as part of the code and data passed to the GPU by Iray at render time,
Please make sure you are using the studio version of the driver. It made a big difference with rtx 2070.
...so it varies depending on the scene size in VRAM?
..unable to use those drivers as I'm still on W7 Pro. Also don't have an RTX card in my current system (the MB BIOS is a decade old and the slots are PCIe 2.0 so it doesn't want recognise the 3060) I was able to get.
I'm not about to mess around with flashing the BIOS as that could brick the motherboard and right now not in the financial position to buy a new one (plus new memory, and new CPU, and W11 Pro).
As far as I know the RTX emulation takes a certain amount of memory, but it does so actively as part of the memory allocation for rendering, not in advance - it isn't taken before the report is generated so wouldn't affect the report of the total memory available according to Afterburner and GPUZ, which is what you seem to have behaving oddly.
...ah, so it is counted as part of the total VRAM for the rendering process then. Wondering why some scenes were not taking as much system memory in comparison to the VRAM used as I expected them to. Need to figure out then why Afterburner is only seeing 8 instead of the full 12 GB that GPUZ and HWiNFP64 do.
Very simple: In MSI Afterburner properties, Monitoring tab, you have to tell Afterburner about the maximum value that is shown to you as 100%. For 12 GB VRAM, for the "Memory usage" graph put in there 0 for the 1st and 12288 for the 2nd graph limit value (measured in MB).
In your case it is certainly set to only 8192.