Eyeball Hight ShapingPreset. Is There One? How to make it stick?

ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
edited June 2015 in The Commons

I know there is another figure with this as well, I just can't remember if it is David5 or G2M Surfer Guy.

The eyes appear to be rolling back in the head from a distance, because there to high in the eye sockets for the face. A crude fix, is to select both eyes in the surface tab and parameters tab (using the shift arrow keys to select them). Then set the "yTransit" to the appropriate negative number to get the eyes centered in the sockets.

Unfortunately, this will not stay put when the "Zero Pose" is used on the figure. I can't find a dial in the Shaping tab that dose the same thing, the only eye movement dials there move all of the eye, not just the eyeball independently.

Thoughts, suggestions?
It looks like the default Iris mat just adds to the rolling the eyes appearance of G2M, lol. Still, a slight nudge down with transit on him dose help.

1477 x 695 - 346K
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  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    edited December 1969

    Have you tried 'locking' the y-trans dials by clicking on that little padlock icon?

    476 x 196 - 30K
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited June 2015

    The following is a graphic depiction of a Shaping Dial Apocalypse. Viewer discretion is advised. :lol:

    I know I've seen similar before, throwing a head shaping dial and the teeth and or eyes do not follow. Often resulting in them poking threw the face in a rather gruesome way. Fortunately there is shaping dials for the mouth, teeth and jaw size, so I can always make a new shaping preset for the mouth (even if I haven’t a clue how to make a replacement dial for the figure, yet).

    I just tried the V4 dial, and the eyes follow the head shape fine, along with a few other figures. Reset everything back to plain old G2F, and just throwing the 'Affected' Irina dial to 100% revealed the full extent of the disconnected eye properties. They do not move, they don’t change size, they do nothing at all when the head shape dial is moved.

    So it is a tad more then just moving them down, they need to be moved inward “0.1”, down somewhere in the vicinity of “-0.2”, and scaled down to about “95%” size. And that is with the head shaping dial at 100%, as for other settings to match other shaping dial values, that's going to be difficult without doing some maths.
    (xTranslate; Right eye "+0.10", Left eye "-0.10".)

    In the attached example, the right eye is not adjusted at all. That padlock trick appears to keep the eyes in place when doing a “Zero Pose”, however I'm still not sure how to save this in the figure shaping preset. A “Pose preset” as a fix for the eyes may possibly work, I haven’t tried it yet. Locking the Translate dials on the eyes dose not keep other dials from moving the eyes, so this may work quite well, assuming the Pose Preset saves the dial padlock settings as well.

    Thanks glaseye2 for the advice, I didn't even think of trying that. I was transfixed on the Shaping tab.
    (that advisory joke is a play on the opening of the last "Jurassic Fight Club" episode, lol.)
    The following is a graphic depiction of a Prehistoric Apocalypse. Viewer discretion is advised.

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    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
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