MDL shader help - how to handle scene_unit_size ?

After going through mdl handbook and mdl spec. 1.7 I am unsure about "scene_unit_size"

Example part of shader code:

    volume: material_volume(
        scattering: df::anisotropic_vdf(directional_bias: directional_bias),
        absorption_coefficient: absorption,
        scattering_coefficient: scattering));

MDL spec tells me that absorption and scattering are in 1 meter unit.

DS on the other hand uses 1 centimeter units.


My general question:

If DS uses centimeter and MDL uses meter should I just use a 0.01 conversion like:

"absorption_coefficient: absorption * 0.01" ?

I tried that but in that case the scattering gets extremely weak even at high values.

My guess now is that DS does an internal conversion from meter to centimeter automatically. Some older threads contained assumtions like that as well.

Does anybody have more insight to this?

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