My render looks weird (Help)

Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172
edited June 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Daz3d and so I've been following a tutorial for my first creation test but things didn't came out like supposed to. My render looks super weird and I don't get why. Can someone help me? 
Here the turorial I followed:

And here a picture of how it turned out for me: 


Capture d’écran, le 2022-06-08 à 14.41.23.png
1366 x 768 - 1M
Post edited by Justin_Ames on


  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 696

    Will you upload the image again?

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    Sorry, the image didn't wanted to upload earlier. It works now. Here it is: 

    Capture d’écran, le 2022-06-08 à 14.41.23.png
    1366 x 768 - 1M
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    It's just noisy because it hasn't converged enough. What are your settings in Progressive Render in the Render Settings pane?

  • Willy2Willy2 Posts: 177

    I have already encountered this problem, in a less accentuated way, due to unsuitable lighting.
    Maybe you should try another lighting for your scene

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    As you are rendering on MAC, you are most likely rendering on CPU, which takes hours. The default rendering settings may stop rendering way too soon due to the default time limit (was it two hours...)

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    Gordig: I used the same settings as in the tutorial.


    Willy2: I see, I'm gonna try with more lights. It's true that I didn't used the same background as in the tutorial which might be why. 

    PrettiA: Really?.. T.T All I have is a Macbook Air. What kind of computer would I need if I want to make a whole comic using Daz3D? 

    Also, thank you for your help everyone. :)

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Justin_Ames said:

    PrettiA: Really?.. T.T All I have is a Macbook Air. What kind of computer would I need if I want to make a whole comic using Daz3D? 

    Iray is Nvidia's product and for a faster (20+ times faster) rendering, one needs Nvidia GPU (preferably an RTX card with 8+ GB's of VRAM) and as Apple and Nvidia are not in talking terms anymore, one would need a PC for rendering Iray with the GPU

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024
    edited June 2022

    Justin_Ames said:

    So this would be what I need?
    Can it fit on any PC? 

    If the PC is not too old. I'm running one on a system I built six years ago and the components had at the time been on the market for a couple of years already. 

    Edit: Consider 32MB's of RAM the minimum.

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804
    edited June 2022

    The macbook air is really low-end as for hardware specs and not suitable to rendering. But you may try with the scene optimizer and see what you get.

    As for a suitable PC you may consider to get a gaming PC that already has a good airflow to cool the card. A normal home PC case is not good nor is the power supply unit. And of course you go with windows I don't know of any mac with gaming hardware.

    Post edited by Padone on
  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    Now that scene optimizer sounds interresting to try before getting myself a PC. Thank you so much!

    Since I'm new to Daz is there anything I need to click on to activate it on my scenes after the purchase? 

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    You need to install it with DIM.

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    What's DIM?

  • TogireTogire Posts: 414

    DIM is the Daz Install Manager.

    Go to My Account>Product Library, type install manager in the search, and download it for your hardware.

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    Alright so now I just bought myself a PC but I'm stuck with another problem... You guys told me how rending on CPU wasn't good yet even when I select my :D drive to download Daz it still download it on my :C drive somehow. I tried twice now and it keeps doing that. How can I get it to download on my :D drive instead? Did you guys already had that problem?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Download, install, or both? In any event rendering has nothing to do with which drive you install to. How are you downloading/installing?

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    Both. Even if I select :D drive it still put it all on my :C drive. I even tried manually copy and paste everything in :D drive but then Daz Studio starts showing me a resource error message. ^^' I don't know much about PC computers so I'm super lost on what to do... 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    It still isn't clear what you are doing, and you didn't say how you were installing. Downloads, applications, and content can all have different locations - though with Daz Central you will set only a master folder that holds each. In addition, content installed through Daz Studio itself has another possible location (by default in your documents folder, which will be on C: if you haven't moved it).

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    Well I'm not sure what you mean by how I'm doing it... I just click on the ''install DAZ Studio'' button on Daz Central, it's pretty much the only option they give me. Then I just follow the steps of the installation which are some ''Next'' buttons for the most part. At some point they give me the choice of which drive I wanna use yet even if I select my :D drive, at the end of the installation everything is on my :C drive instead. frown

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    and nothing on the chosen drive? Daz Central usually works, as far as I know (I have my paths set in Install Manager so they are in different places rather than gathered in a single parent folder as with Daz Central).

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    There is a Daz3d folder on my D: drive but it's only the one I copy pasted from my C: drive. Both Daz Studio and all of my assets get to download on my C: drive unfortunately... In no time I'm gonna have no storage left at this rate.. 

    And when I try and open the DazStudio app I pasted in my D: drive I get the following error message: "A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be etablished. Several DAZ Studio features that require a valid PostgreSQL CMS connection, such as context aware content views and loading content using the Daz Connect service, will not be available. Check your network, antivirus, and firewall settings for conflicts."

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    What security software are you using?

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172
    edited July 2022

    Windows Defender. It came with the computer. 


    Edit: Also note that I didn't get any error message like this when opening DazStudio from my C: drive when it was there.

    Post edited by Justin_Ames on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    If you moved everything you moved the database too - it may not be being found, or it may have permission issues on the folder. What is the ContentCluster setting in Daz Studio in Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings?

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    In the CMS Settings it says : 

    Cluster Directory: None

    Port: 1024

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Then it isn't even reading the settings, which should be in

    %appdata%/daz 3d/cms/

    (paste that into a file browser's address bar)

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    I unfortunately get no result when I paste %appdata%/daz 3d/cms/ on my file browser's address bar :/

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Sorry, I was getting my threads muddled - that is for Windows. Macs have an Application Support folder, then you want /daz 3d/cms/ inside that.

  • Justin_AmesJustin_Ames Posts: 172

    Justin_Ames said:

    Alright so now I just bought myself a PC but I'm stuck with another problem... You guys told me how rending on CPU wasn't good yet even when I select my :D drive to download Daz it still download it on my :C drive somehow. I tried twice now and it keeps doing that. How can I get it to download on my :D drive instead? Did you guys already had that problem?

    Well like I mentioned earlier, I just bought myself a new PC since people told me earlier in the post how Mac wasn't good for render. So I'm on Windows now. Yet I get no result when rearching nor %appdata%/daz 3d/cms/ or /daz 3d/cms/ in my browser's adress bar.. :/

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Goto your installed drive.  In my case its the C drive


    C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\cms

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