Translation Nudge Values

I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time clicking on translation parameters to change the nudge values as the defaults are always too high. Is there a way to change a bunch of them in one go? Such as all the XYZ Rotation values? Nudges should be about fine movements as the word "nudge" suggests so I don't get why they are always set so high.
Also, is there a way to change them forever instead of just for that scene?
Post edited by marble on
With the Parameters pane in Edit mode (from the right-click menu) you can multi-select sliders, then right-click>Set>Sensitivity...
Once you have the values as you want, save a new Character Preset and use that to load the figure in future.
Thanks Richard - reliable as ever. Can Character Presets be used for non-characters (I'm thinking props with bones, geografts, etc.)?
A Character Preset can be used for any weight-mapped figure.