dForce Romantic Curly hair super slow render with GPU
Hi, sorry if my question sounds stupid, but I've searched this forum and google but coudln't find anything that could solve this problem.
I'm new to daz rendering and tried to make something similar to Yayo HD promo images to test it, but when I use the dforce Romantic Curly Hair, my rendering time fall from +/- 5 iterations per second to +/- 1 iteration per minute.
My rig is made of an unlocked xeon e5 2640 v3 at 3.4 GHz all cores, 32 go ddr4 and a rtx 2070 super. I checked in the taskmanager the cpu usage, itstand at less than 30% while the cuda usage is at more than 90% so I it still using my GPU to render. I even used scene optimizer to shrink hair textures to 256 x 256 but no avail.
I put in the attached file my general parameters for the hair asset.
Does anyone knows how I could make those hair usable since I fell in love with this character / hair combo?