Can I create a custom pose morph from asset I bought on the marketplace?

Hi everyone,
I'm new to the custom morph world. I bought a Ape figure on the Daz market place and I want to create a custom morph from there. So I created my custom morph using the sclupt tool in C4D. When I'm importing the custom morph in daz, all look fine but the geometry is completely destroyed when I applied the custom morph I did.
I did a test with a classic genesis 8 character (using the same workflow) and it works perfectly so I'm thinking the issues come form the fact I'm usign a custom character as a starting point.
Is there a work around? Is there a way to ''bake'' the custom figure I bought so I can apply custom morph?
Here's the asset I bought :
Thanks for helping me!
Frst, be aware that baking a morph from an existing morph is rarely a good idea - aside from the fact that you can't share or sell the morpn, should you wish, it breaks all the links to joint adjustments and morphs that trigger in response to psoes or other shapes applied to the figure; depndiong on the natrure of "completety destroyed" this may well be your issue as a simpler morph would have fewer occasions to need help.
What you can do is make your edits on top of the morph, then when you bring it back with Morph loader pro and with the shape still applied to the figure use the Reverse Deformations option to subtract the existing shape from your changes, which with luck will work well enough (and which will be your own work and so sharable. You can then use ERC Freeze on your imported shape so that it triggers the other shape, still linked to all of its adjustments - right-click on the parameters pane to put it in Edit Mode, then right-click on ths slider for your additional morph and s eelct ERC Freeze.
Hi Richard, thanks for you answer.
I tried to import my .obj scultp with Morph loader pro - put reverse deformations at Yes ans used the ERC Freeze but I'm still getting exploded geo. Here what I got :
Any idea how to solve this problem, I really want to make it work. Thanks
Alright, I'm in thanks Richard, I followed all the step and it's working now