DAZ to UE 5 Error: Failed to find any bone hierarchy. Try disabling the "Import As Skeletal" option

I use UE5 plugins v5.0.0.75 https://github.com/David-Vodhanel/DazToRuntime/releases
And DAZ to UE Bridge plugin.
But I kinda confuse with the version of this plugin. Is it version 4 or is it version 2?
And after installation the version change again 2.4.0
Meanwhil DAZ youtube video shows its version 4.12?
Is the latest 4 or 4.12 or 2.4.0?
When I installed DAZ plugin, there's installation dialog to choose which UE I want to use.
But it only shows for UE 4 available.
So I choose it since there's no other option, and there's only one bridge on the marketplace and I don't know will that be a problem.
After I activate the UE5 plugin and start to export a figure from DAZ, I got this error over and over on UE5:
Failed to find any bone hierarchy. Try disabling the "Import As Skeletal" option to import as a rigid mesh.
Import failed.
So what to do?
I have followed some tutorials on youtube, it just not working as theirs.
I had a similar problem with UE 5.02, DS and Vodhanel's 5.00.75 and plugin 2.0. I got around the problem by unistalling and reinstalling UE 5 and adding DazToUnreal manually. I also unconfigured the plugin in DS, re-copied it, then reconfigured the plugin. "Failed to find any bone hierarchy..." went away and I was able to import my DS character. Now I am running into retargeting problems. One battle at a time!!
Okay, so I finally made it.
Reinstalling UE may not be necessary since I still have that error after reinstalling and copying the UE plugin.
The problem I think lies on the bridge.
At the current time, I say not to use the bridge from the DAZ Marketplace or installing it from DAZ central.
Maybe they haven't update it or maybe intended for previous version.
I download the bridge from here:
And it seems there are two bridges made by different people.
One from DAZ and one from the original creator.
The one from the original creator has different github link.
The github link above from DAZ.
It's really confusing for user like me. They need to make it clearer on how to do this.