How to adjust medieval sleeves to change of position in Lorelle Gown?

Hello DAZErs!

I recently got the Lorelle Gown for an historical illustration, and I having an issue I never found with other daz clothing ( I am using the gown on a daz 8 female figure so it should not be an issue of compatibility).  
The huge sleeves tough won't adapt to any position , it does not matter what it is and they stay pretty rigidly open. I assume there's controls hidden somewhere to fix this as in the pictures on the site the gown looks very natural but so far I can find nothing . I checked the parameters in Lorelle overgown in the tab and in posing.

Adjusting 'forearm' only got me to a variation of fluffing up the forearm part of the sleeve.

I was hoping someone here who has the gown can lend me a hand?




  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    Are you simulating it?

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839


    It's dforce clothing, you need to simulate it to get the sleeves (and everything else) falling nicely.

  • sky_sam84sky_sam84 Posts: 7

    Thanks to both for pointing me the right direction! I had managed to understand dforce workings utterly wrong. 
    simulating does solve the issue !

    Or one issue at least. After the simulating it as according the tutorial the dress is worn naturally, but I get holes in the cloth as if it is not fitting correctly the model anymore. I solved in sone places by adjusting manually the overgrown and the undergown to the body parts but the left collarbone remains bare no matter what I do. 
    I will keep investigating dforce.


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    Usually a smoothing modifier will fix that, but I would assume that there is already smoothing enabled.

    Another solution is to apply a push modifier.

    But if it is a complex pose limbs can intersect while going from default pose, and to avoid that you can use the timeline for an inbetween pose.

    Maybe try to post an image of what you are seeing.

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