Fit Control Product by Zev0 and DiscoBob

It says this product is for Genesis and Genesis 2 females. But Genesis has a base that is both male and female. What I'd like to know is will this product work on clothes for the Genesis Males?
As a suggestion for future products, I'd like to see something like this that will work on clothes for Genesis 2 males.
But, in the meantime, hopefully someone will tell me if this will work on the Genesis Males.
The morphs are specifically designed for female clothing. The next set will deal with male stuff.
OK, well thank you for telling me. I am looking forward to the next set, then. I've been wishing for something like this for a long time.
There is actually an existing discussion about the product in, I think, the commercials section, which would assist you. The modertors might even decide to merge this with it.
In my experience, all the morphs except the breast-specific ones work just fine with male shapes on Genesis 1.
Yes the morphs for Genesis 1 will work on both male and female shapes, however some are designed to be female specific. Once the male version is complete, the male morphs will simply be added to the list but will have the male tag attached to the morph names. Eg you have breast adjusters for the female, the male will have pec adjusters. That sort of structure. The morphs that work on both will remain the same.
Thank you all for the information. I'm eagerly awaiting the male version. I'm reading through the discussion of the product in the commercials section. Thanks, Xenomorphine, for that tip. And thank you, Zev0, for responding here. I put a suggestion or two for male morphs I'd like to see in the discussion in the commercials section.