how to stop the preview window

woody2woody2 Posts: 90
edited December 1969 in The Commons

can anyone tell me how to stop the breview window with iray. it seems that some how i turned it on and don't know were i did it from. It shows a render everytime i change anything even if i rotate my figure



  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    woody2 said:
    can anyone tell me how to stop the breview window with iray. it seems that some how i turned it on and don't know were i did it from. It shows a render everytime i change anything even if i rotate my figure


    Click on the small down arrow just to the left of the drop down list for where you select your view/camera. Pick anything other than nVidia iRay (best to pick "Texture Shaded") and the preview will stop.

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