flame settings problem

I am using a flame plane that looks awesome ... until I render. When I render it gets too bright and blurred. How can I keep it looking more like how it look in the DS3 interface?

139 x 294 - 34K

139 x 294 - 36K
Can you post the settings from the Surface tab? Odds are it's either Ambient strength or Specular Strength.
DS3 Intereface, well as close as can be, can be done through playing about in the Workspace and Layout editor located under Window (top menu bar). From memory I think the Workspace set to Self Service should give you a close DS3 IU. Choose whatever Layout you like the look of.
Umm, I don't think the OP is asking how to make DS4 look like DS3, but rather how to make the flame in his render look like the flame in the preview, and he's USING DS3.
And, OP, like was said above, I'd lay odds it's the specular highlight on your flame prop that is making it so bright.
Right. I am using DS3. I am trying to adjust the settings so my flame after render looks more like the flame looks in the interface.
I tried setting both spec settings to 0, but no noticeable change, so I put them back so ya'll can see them at their original settings.
Sorry my bad I just misunderstood the question. I will go away and hide somewhere.
Have you tried adjusting the ambient setting? Try plugging the diffuse texture into the ambient channel and set the color to white.
Edit: oops, I missed the first couple of posts somehow, but the ambient setting is a bit high, maybe lower the strength.
No need to hide ... lol. Any ideas?
I have set everything to zero, with still no effect. spec glossiness and strength both o and color white, ambient to zero color white. ... I about to say screw it and use a png in post ... lol.
No need to hide ... lol. Any ideas?LOL Yes can you post a screen cap of all the surface channels of the flame please? I can hardly read your first image and it only shows a portion of the channels. But from what I can see that looks ok. But to make sure set Spec and gloss to 0%. Make sure reflection and refraction are set to 0%.
I would definitly give what flashback suggested a try. In fact I do that for all flames.
Sorry to slow in typing.
Ok if not the surfaces let's look at your lighting....what shadows are you using? What is your "Max Ray Trace Depth" setting set at. (found in the Advanced Render Settings Pane)
The MRTD is 16.
I am using the enchanted island light set 1 with raytraced shadows.
Ok 16 is way to much for just about most renders. Try 1 and this will drive down your render times. Anyways that is not the issue.
The Light set I am not familair with. Try turning down your lighting or turn all lights off barring one a test render. Then turn anothr on and render.
Is this a home made prop?
I think it was a freebee I grabbed somewhere. If I alter the lights, everything else gets dark. I think I will work with a png after all.
what kind of flame pane you using?
Kind? Just a flat plane with a flame on it ... lol.
Kind? Just a flat plane with a flame on it ... lol.
Try applying a control shader like HSS or UberSurface to the plane. This will allow better control of the properties of the plane and texture.
Kind? Just a flat plane with a flame on it ... lol.
well I asked because Jebs flames you can darken the flame texture in the Surfaces setting which will off set the bight map from the lighting
I might try adding a touch of gray a little at a time to the flame under the surface tab.
sometimes what will help bring back the flames details
Perhaps change the direction of the lights slightly. Looks like the light is right on it so it's bouncing allot and creating that glare making your flame ambiance explode too much. Also check your Ambient settings too, if you have those up too far you will get a washed out glow. Another thing to try is change your Lighting Model from Plastic to another type and keep experimenting with that. I think Matte would be TOO dull but then again that's where your Ambiance might come in handy by setting that up slightly, like around 25 and see what happens.
Ivy has a good point. A Grey diifuse colour or reduce the Diffuse strength donw to 80% or so might have an effect.
That is the trouble with not having the item we can't look at it and test it ourselves. Also not knowing exaxlty what your light set up entails does make troubleshooting a little harder. :)
I urge you to stick with this as you will learn a lot from it and it is possible to do.
Put the diffiuse at 0
Glossiness at 0
Specular at 0
Ambiant color white at 100 and put the flame texture in it and it should be working with any light you put
Thanks! Turning the diffuse down to 80 did the trick :D
Try applying a control shader like HSS or UberSurface to the plane. This will allow better control of the properties of the plane and texture.
I will try that too and see what affect that gives me :D
That worked even better :D
Now, next question. If I turn it into a light source itself, will the entire plane cast the light or just the flame portion?
That worked even better :D
Glad it worked. You can adjust the power of the flame by adding a bit of diffuse to your liking
Hope to see the final render
Look in the "DAZ Studio Discussion" area for a discussion on a similar technique. adamr001 I believe laid out the method he used to do the same type of effect you're attempting.
EDIT: Here is a link to the image he created: http://adamtls.deviantart.com/art/Flame-in-the-Night-213073955
Actually, Aidana, you were involved in the discussion where adamr001 described the technique...
Look in the "DAZ Studio Discussion" area for a discussion on a similar technique. adamr001 I believe laid out the method he used to do the same type of effect you're attempting.
EDIT: Here is a link to the image he created: http://adamtls.deviantart.com/art/Flame-in-the-Night-213073955
Actually, Aidana, you were involved in the discussion where adamr001 described the technique...
I thought that was in my dragon comparison thread. Besides that, I can't find a \Light Presets\omnifreaker\UberAreaLight\!uberAreaLight Base.dsa in ds3 ... lol.
I thought that was in my dragon comparison thread. Besides that, I can't find a \Light Presets\omnifreaker\UberAreaLight\!uberAreaLight Base.dsa in ds3 ... lol.
Look in "Lights\UberAreaLight\!UberAreaLight Base.dsa" see if it is there.
I thought that was in my dragon comparison thread. Besides that, I can't find a \Light Presets\omnifreaker\UberAreaLight\!uberAreaLight Base.dsa in ds3 ... lol.
Look in "Lights\UberAreaLight\!UberAreaLight Base.dsa" see if it is there.
I had to actually do a search for it add drag it in. Remember all those files I had misplaced a while back?
Anyway, I tried it and it turns the entire plane into a light... not just the flame part.
As far as I am aware mesh based lighting (Area) will only emit light in the direction of the normal making it only emit light on one side of a plane.
What version of DS3 do you have as the last updated version had Area Lighting and Hunan Skin Shader as part of the free version. I have Advanced and when viewed in DS3 in the Content Tab as "View Folders as a List" see image below.
If you do have it then when applying the Base hold Ctrl down and chose to Ignore the "Map Settings" this will keep your textures etc in place.