Rules for the Gallery?

deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I have a render I'm in the middle of making. I would like to be able to show it, but I'm not sure of its against the rules or not. Where is the rule book for the gallery located?


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2015

    TOS for the Gallery is the same as TOS for the forums. There is a link to it on the page when you start to create a Gallery. and also a link at the top of every forum, in the announcements

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204
    edited December 1969

    So a render with blood would be obscene no? It's a gory render. Thats why I ask.

  • nightwolf1982nightwolf1982 Posts: 1,175
    edited June 2015

    Actually, a link to the TOS would be a good idea. I've spotted some images in the gallery that were definitely not allowed.

    What kind of image are you working on?

    Edit: Here's the TOS, for those interested in refreshing their memories:

    Post edited by nightwolf1982 on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2015

    So a render with blood would be obscene no? It's a gory render. Thats why I ask.

    That would depend on the amount of blood and gore. If it is enough to be considered Gratuitous violence then it would not be allowed.

    One way to have it checked out before it is uploaded is to actually ask. Send a copy as an attachment to and ask if it would be acceptable.

    And thank you for asking before posting.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204
    edited June 2015

    Well... Lets just say its a monster eating an M4. Well.. The remaining half of him anyways. hehe...
    I dont think its so good to post here, Its rated R.

    Post edited by deleted user on
  • deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204
    edited December 1969

    I normally dont make rated R material, but I got a creature morph.. Then I added an M4 to the scene. I was scrolling past and noticed a "Blood Plane" I forgot I had... one thing led to another and.. Yeah... hehehe The rest is history xD

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited December 1969

    Like with anything, the rules have fine lines that once crossed is what puts the image from "that is ok" to "that is not ok" It would depend on where the gallery moderation staff (or customer base based on image reports) feel the artwork falls. Generally it comes down to where the artwork falls based on the team's guides (interpretation of the rules by the Gallery Moderation Staff)

    In the case of violence, it is harder to say firmly where the line is without actually seeing the image. Violence is a general term that can mean lots of things so it's in what "DAZ3D interprets" as violence as not everyone interprets the word the same.

    That said, I am the Gallery Moderation Staff Admin, so if you like (and to anyone), when in doubt please feel free to e-mail me the image and I can look it over or discuss it with the team to be sure if it is ok before you even post. I'm more than happy to do that or even look at early renders (paused and saved images before the image is fully rendered out) and can give ideas on what may need to change (if anything) to make the image ok.

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