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Actually I just ran a test render produced this in 18 minutes settings out of the box just lowered the main enviro light I would need to learn how the tonemapper settings and material settings work *nudity* this is on my new laptop I have to test it on the tower with the AMD 2G fire pro see what time I get with that...
I'm in a similar boat to marble. My iMac is only an i5 -- I wasn't into 3D back then and it was perfectly adequate for my needs at the time. It'll be 3 years old at the end of the year, but I've no money to replace/upgrade it (and anyhow new Macs are all ATI). I have to use the machine for work during the day, so I normally set stuff up in the evening and render overnight. If I'm using Carrara or DS 3 Delight, a render will typically be 5-10 hours on high settings (my stuff is mostly outdoors, with shedloads of vegetation).
I have an even older (early 2011) Macbook Pro that I can leave running. That's got a 2.2GHz i7 and 8GB, but it's slower than the iMac. Still I can leave it running. It's got an iray render going right now that I hope can be used as a promo when I eventually get something into the store. It's 6.5 hours in, and only on 4%. By my reckoning, if it renders at a constant rate and I let it get to 100%, it'll be finished sometime next Thursday afternoon. :gulp:
..same here. When I first got into this I was still using my duo core Toshiba 32 bit notebook (with the Intel graphics chipset). It was the only system I had at the time and while it did OK up to ver 2.3, Daz 3.1A began taxing it rather heavily (lots of render crashes) I used UE very sparingly as it not only was very slow, but would easily crash the application due to the memory limits imposed by the 32 bit environment. That was when I decided I needed to build a more powerful multithread system and join the 64 bit world.
I tried to run 4.0 on the notebook, but that turned out to be a rather futile gesture as I barely could render anything save for a single character with a simple backdrop using just the standard Daz lights.
Insane speed difference between the laptop i mentioned with the 4G nvidia and my 32G tower with the AMD fire pro W5000 it rendered 17 minutes on the laptop and is only at 34% after 25 minutes on the tower so if I ever go iray i need to swap out the card in the tower or live with it since the tower never runs hot...
Very nice pic one thing you could try out the bloom settings in Iray to get the Lightsabre's that glow effect you see in the films..
Also I was lucky to get given a Core I7 2700k with an Asus P8Z68-V Pro Gen 3, though only has 8gig in it hopefully upgrade that soon and a Nvidia 570GTX 1.2gig card I took out from my old Core I7 920 system..
Reality/Lux on this system is slow as a snail, but in Iray is hums along nicely..
Of course, one thing you can do with Luxrender is use a Network Slave if you have a spare computer. I have an old tower running Linux but it has one of the original i7 processors and 6GB RAM. At the moment, this runs at about 70% the render speed of my iMac if the scene fits the 6GB of RAM (most of mine do). So what might have taken two hours would now take about 1hr 10 minutes.
So whether this will work with the new Luxrender remains to be seen - I'll have to check just how old the i7 is. I don't think there is a network option with IRay is there?
Under the Advanced tab there is a tab called Cloud (Beta) what exactly it does have yet to find out as it has Username / Password, Secure Protocal and then the connect button and then there are a number of options under that as well.. So looks like there is to be a Cloud Rendering service sometime in the future whenever that will be I guess Daz and or Nvidia will tell us..
Okay found this linked in this thread so looks to be a very interesting service when it gets up and running..
Under the Advanced tab there is a tab called Cloud (Beta) what exactly it does have yet to find out as it has Username / Password, Secure Protocal and then the connect button and then there are a number of options under that as well.. So looks like there is to be a Cloud Rendering service sometime in the future whenever that will be I guess Daz and or Nvidia will tell us..
I think Luxrender has that option too - you can access Amazon cloud servers if you have an account. Personally, I'd rather keep my renders in-house, however.
It looks like my tower with the AMD will render under an hour as well. I really have to learn material settings lighting and the render engine settings themselves. Something else to use till fast lux arrives...or use both...
With iRay I have noticed that the rate of change of the render convergence is not linear, but moves in an unpredictable pattern. I have often found that the first few percent can take a fair while, it then rushes (relatively speaking) through the percentages in the mid range, before slowing down again for the final 10% or so. However since I have an GTX970 it all goes somewhat faster than on CPU only (the speed up is around a 10x factor) so I can observe the convergence movement without dying of bordom.
I learned that my Mac doesn't accept Nvidia and since I would never buy a PC, I won't be able to use Iray. I hope that DAZ vendors don't make only Iray stuff in the future.
You do know that Iray does have a CPU render option that is quite decent you only chose not to look at it I bet.. Just because your Mac can not use an Nvidia card does not mean you can't use Iray.. A lot of people using Iray do not have an Nvidia card, but that has not stopped them using this new feature..
And well it is up to the Daz vendors what they should or should not make..
It had only got to 8% after 48 hours and it stopped because it hit some end condition that I'd forgotten to zero (the scene used some god ray effects, as described in SicleYield's tutorial) It wasn't enough to be usable, but I'm sure it would look stunning if I had the hardware or the patience. Unfortunately I can't really justify tying up the machine for a week + on just one image right now.
Without the god ray effect, I get to around 60% convergence in 24 hours on the same scene.
You do know that Iray does have a CPU render option that is quite decent you only chose not to look at it I bet.. Just because your Mac can not use an Nvidia card does not mean you can't use Iray.. A lot of people using Iray do not have an Nvidia card, but that has not stopped them using this new feature..
And well it is up to the Daz vendors what they should or should not make..Maybe you didn't read the posts here saying that render times are very long if you don't have this Nvidia card. So at least for me this is definitely no option. And nobody uttered the slightest doubt that it is up to the vendors what to make and what not. But it is up to me as a customer to buy or not to buy a product.
...I'm getting render times that compare with, if not are better than, rendering in 3DL with UE. I have an older i7 system with 12 GB memory, and an Nvida card that wouldn't even work for a simple portrait.
Just finished rendering a character study in about 12 - 13 min. The key to reducing render times is to manually convert materials to Iray instead of having it autoconvert while rendering. For the character study above it took about 47 minutes to render at 1200 x 900 before converting. Once I converted the materials it reduced the time significantly.
See this doesn't square with my experience. 3DL for me is very quick. I'm talking about a scene with 3 clothed characters, indoor room and furniture with AoA Advanced lights (usually 1 ambient and 2 spots) taking 15 minutes in 3Delight. Postwork takes about 10 minutes to soften the tell-tale razor-sharp edges that you get in 3DL but not in Lux/Iray.
My admittedly limited testing with Iray had me giving up on a similar (CPU) render after several hours. Reality 2.5/Luxrender was quicker than that. I did try to use the IRay materials but it was still slow. So I returned to 3Delight.
I would really like to see some tutorials which explain how to set up materials - especially skin - for reasonable render times using a CPU. I like the photo-realism aspect of Iray and Luxrender but, at the moment, I'm willing to put up with my slightly unrealistic 3DL renders for the time benefits of finishing a 25 scene project in two or three days. It is only a hobby after all - I'm not making pictures to sell.
I think the problem lies in the phrase "won't be able to use".
This evokes the kind of "yes, you can use it even without the nvidea card" answers.
Perhaps, a less misleading choice of words would've been "I chose not to use it". :-)
(And now I stop being a smartass and go back hiding under my stone again. :-))
I Am running DAZ studio 4.7 & 4.8
on a Gateway EC14,Laptop with the following specs:
1.3GHz Intel Pentium Dual Core SU4100 CPU along with Intel’s GMA4500MHD graphics, 4GB DDR2 RAM, a 500 GB HDD.
For me Iray will render but obviously quite slower than someone with supported hardware
For this reason I have Kept 4.7 installed and I use the
Free Mcteleblend Script to send my DS scenes over to blender
with auto conversion for the Cycles Engine.
On My Laptop Cycles is way...WAYYY faster than Iray
as it has better support for basic CPU mode rendering
I can Live preview in cycles ( with low sampling rates)
which is not possible with IRay on my hardware.
And frankly My Cycles render look better than my finished Iray renders.
Sure it is nice to have all the new Iray optimized content
natively in DS but Blenders Cycles and beautifully executed
Shader node system is a decent Alternative for those who are not in the position to buy new hardware right now.
I have Blender but it scares me somewhat. I've looked at the McTeleblender script thread but that scares me too (and the thread is huge). Is there a step-by-step tutorial on how to export, set up materials and render in Cycles, please?
Hi Go directly to the source to get the script:
and go here to get install/usgae instructions
There is no real setup of materials as the script converts your DS mats to Cycles materisal node upon import .
And for image based lighting I use the FREE SIBL GUI 4 which now supports blenders cycles
This statement is very much untrue. I've been seeing this statement for years coming from Reality users as an explanation for why it is slower than other unbiased engines. The slowdown isn't due to any increases in quality. LuxRender cannot claim to be any more accurate than Iray or Octane in terms of real world light interaction calculation. Unbiased means exactly that. An engine is either unbiased or it isn't. And if it its, to be named that it must meet the physically accurate standards of thermodynamic laws.
The ideal that Lux is somehow the superior engine among the unbiased is total marketing spin. Don't fall for it, even if Paulo says it. Iray holds its own quite well against Lux, and it does it in much less time with no losses of quality of any kind. Sure, engines may apply slightly different algorithms for things like Anti-Aliasing, but these will be for the most part completely imperceptible differences that don't have much impact on the final image, not for the many fold increased rendering time.
Lux can get faster, and it will do so with no losses in quality. And it is at that time that the obvious truth of what I am saying will become evident. Unbiased is unbiased. Period.
Hi Go directly to the source to get the script:
and go here to get install/usgae instructions
There is no real setup of materials as the script converts your DS mats to Cycles materisal node upon import .
And for image based lighting I use the FREE SIBL GUI 4 which now supports blenders cycles
Thank you for the links. First look at the usage instructions seems to suggest that the script is very Windows specific. I have a Mac so it probably won't work for me.
See this doesn't square with my experience. 3DL for me is very quick. I'm talking about a scene with 3 clothed characters, indoor room and furniture with AoA Advanced lights (usually 1 ambient and 2 spots) taking 15 minutes in 3Delight. Postwork takes about 10 minutes to soften the tell-tale razor-sharp edges that you get in 3DL but not in Lux/Iray.
My admittedly limited testing with Iray had me giving up on a similar (CPU) render after several hours. Reality 2.5/Luxrender was quicker than that. I did try to use the IRay materials but it was still slow. So I returned to 3Delight.
I would really like to see some tutorials which explain how to set up materials - especially skin - for reasonable render times using a CPU. I like the photo-realism aspect of Iray and Luxrender but, at the moment, I'm willing to put up with my slightly unrealistic 3DL renders for the time benefits of finishing a 25 scene project in two or three days. It is only a hobby after all - I'm not making pictures to sell.
...3DL with the AoA lights shreds in 4.8. The 3DL version of the scene with girls at the bus stop rendered in around 14 min .
I'm comparing Iray times to rendering with UE.
I have Blender but it scares me somewhat. I've looked at the McTeleblender script thread but that scares me too (and the thread is huge). Is there a step-by-step tutorial on how to export, set up materials and render in Cycles, please?
..I gave up on Blender because no matter how Hard I tried and how many chances I gave it, I just could not get my head around its UI and setup.
This statement is very much untrue. I've been seeing this statement for years coming from Reality users as an explanation for why it is slower than other unbiased engines. The slowdown isn't due to any increases in quality. LuxRender cannot claim to be any more accurate than Iray or Octane in terms of real world light interaction calculation. Unbiased means exactly that. An engine is either unbiased or it isn't. And if it its, to be named that it must meet the physically accurate standards of thermodynamic laws.
The ideal that Lux is somehow the superior engine among the unbiased is total marketing spin. Don't fall for it, even if Paulo says it. Iray holds its own quite well against Lux, and it does it in much less time with no losses of quality of any kind. Sure, engines may apply slightly different algorithms for things like Anti-Aliasing, but these will be for the most part completely imperceptible differences that don't have much impact on the final image, not for the many fold increased rendering time.
Lux can get faster, and it will do so with no losses in quality. And it is at that time that the obvious truth of what I am saying will become evident. Unbiased is unbiased. Period.
Im with you on that one. Reality / lux as served me well, however I am reading up iray and purchased an ASUS ROG machine with 980 4G nividia card to take advantage of the features such as GPU rendering and the iray preview window. ( I have AMD fire pro on my tower) the more tools one has the better. I am happy faster lux is coming as well. I would go octane but at 499 for a license well you know. Perhaps if it the price drops in the future..
Im with you on that one. Reality / lux as served me well, however I am reading up iray and purchased an ASUS ROG machine with 980 4G nividia card to take advantage of the features such as GPU rendering and the iray preview window. ( I have AMD fire pro on my tower) the more tools one has the better. I am happy faster lux is coming as well. I would go octane but at 499 for a license well you know. Perhaps if it the price drops in the future..
Yeah I would have been over Octane like flies on you know what but the cost is very prohibitive for something that unless you are a professional artist is not worth it.. I have used Reality/Luxus / Luxrender but was always slow for what I wanted it for and had bad cases of noise everywhere, and would not do somethings that I was wanting at the time so hardly used it.. That and while Reality was fairly simple to use Luxus on the other hand was over complicated and being built into Studio like it was made it (at least for me) hard to navigate it properly..
But now with Iray I can get renders the way I want them to be and somewhat quicker as well..
Hi Marble,
Here is a mac user doing it on the Mac OS
............and here is the same guy, I believe,
giving detailed install instructions for Mac OS
hope this helps.
Thanks, Wolf359.
It clearly does work with a Mac although the instructions seem to be for version 2 while version 3 seems to be the current one. I'm assuming the instructions should apply to both. I'll give it a try when I get a bit of spare time.
Thanks again
I'm not sure how you folks are getting iRay (without GPU acceleration) to compare with 3DL. I have a single character with iRay textures with my default UE lights. It would probably take a minute or so in 3DL on medium quality for me, but I'm looking at at least a half-hour using iRay. No hair. No clothes...not even a pose. Either you are doing very different types of renders or you have to use exactly the right sort of light to get decent render speeds....or, you are actually using your GPU and you just don't realize it.
Actually...if you are rendering the scene as described in 3DL and comparing it to the same thing in Iray, you are still missing a major piece...Iray, by default does full global illumination...3Delight does unless your 3DL scene is using lighting that includes bounce and ambient occlusion, the two renders are NOT anywhere close to similar. Turn on 'everything' in UE and do a 'normal' 3DL render (don't enable progressive or anything like that) and go to high quality settings...that would be closer to Iray default.
Also, lighting in Iray does have a large impact on speed.