DAZ close himself after save a scene
Since I update Daz to 4.20 I have a big problem.
Everytime I save a scene. Daz will close himself after that when I click on anything on the screne.
Is there a setting I miss to change?
Since the scene get saved it is not that horrible, but it's anying to start DAZ after each save.
Which operating system are you using? How are ytou telling the application to save - menu, toolbar button, or keyboard shortcut?
After download the newest Nvidea driver the problem seem to be solved until now.
Are you using the Studio driver or Game ready drivers?
I have absolutely no clue where I can see this.
Nvidia control panel. The studio driver is more for this sort of work. You can still play games with the studio drivers.
Ahh I use studio driver 512.96 05/23/2022