Boogie Stride

KeironKeiron Posts: 413
edited December 1969 in Freebies

BoogieStride by Keiron Westguard

Hi I was playing some Boogie, so I have recorded nine tracks using Magix Samplitude tracks 1 and 5 are me playing two off the cuff versions, then the whole is exported as a 16 track MIDI sequence and a single Wave File
Using Daz Studio 4.8, I have loaded Casual's totally brill 88 Key Keyboard. I have then loaded the Wave file and using his MIDIload script. I have created an Initial piano config, I then added all the Keyboard keys using notepad. Again using Notepad I have created 16 configs each has it's own channel from 1 to 16. Importing the MIDIfile I have then used config channel 1 with the first Keyboard and saved this as a scene. using the same method for channel 5, I have saved a second piano scene . I have then used Merge to combine scene 1 and 2. I have then rendered 8400 images to a folder at a resolution of 1980 x 1080 images. I then used Virtual Dub 64 bit to created an AVI Yes this was huge 4.89 Gig. From here I used Magix Movie Edit Pro 2015 to sync the AVI to the Wave file

Video available here


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