UR5 content
Posts: 207
Hello does anyone know if and how is there anyway to install unreal engine content in to Daz? Mainly envioments?
thank you
very difficult but not impossible
I personally prefer going the other way ie DAZ content in Unreal
the foliage needs to be changed from brush instances to actual individual meshes for a start or it will load on top of each other at 0,0,0
Obj export can give some not all texture maps and they need to be unnested or DAZ won't find them
any materials with masking or translucency won't export maps so you will need to manually export and apply textures for those (they will all have a 1pixel placeholder red texture)
terrains will have awful UV mapping and no textures
I usually fix it all in another software myself Ultimate Unwrap3d I rename all the surfaces too as have very long prefixes referencing their paths
I actually export just the terrain too and Zremesh it in Zbrush and apply a planar UV mapping
likewise I break down other components and export separately like foliage (with manually exported textures) and use Ultrascatter
otherwise everything is one useless big mesh
Thanks for the reply :) yes I wanted to try use UR5 but I find it to hard to use :( but thank you I'll try use this method but I suck at using other programs Dx but UR5 got some nice enough assests
I use UE4.27 myself, much easier, more assets work in it and plugins
I'll have download it give it a try can you get same results as iray? In UE?
it varies a lot, I personally prefer using Unreal but single iray images of sets can look stunning
some Edith Finch shots in iray, took a fair bit of work and geometry editing for emissive surfaces as using glow maps was noisy and awful
lots of manual exporting and loading of textures too as so many missed
and then by their EULA I cannot even use these renders as art as Unreal Only content except for personal use so am not embedding them, just tests and examples which is fair use
Oh that looks awesome !! I'll have check it out thanks for the help :)