how to make surface shiny for poser items that come in flat

how to make surface shiny for poser items that come in flat

I tried all I could find in surfaces but didnt help to make the car paint have some shine, the blue pick up is a poser file and the painting settings that come with it are around 100% flat lookiing, I applied daz uber base and uber car paint and that result looks like has a million pieces of dust in the paint or something weird, I put glossy weight low and glossy roughness high but it still seems too shiny

what would a good method be? I do not have to use daz uber shader but I knew the car paint option would at least have shine to it



1514 x 1656 - 2M


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    The carpaint shaders don't need Iray Uber Base applied first, if they are the ones that come in the Default Resources.

    I think at least some of the issue is down to the Metallic Flakes, just at the foot of your screenshot.

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