Step by step to reproduce Gareth 10 yr old from Brothers

IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I am going to be creating some younger kids for a project.

I purchased:

Michael 6
Growing Up for Genesis 2 Males

I am kind of getting to the point where I can make the actor look like Gareth 10 yr old,
but am hitting a few walls.

At one point my ears where a different color than my face (I seem to have fixed that).

I can not seem to get the hair correct (I am guessing that is an additional hair package, but not sure which one).
Some bundles tell you what additional items where used in the Display details.

Once I get to my "base" actor, I will change a few things. Eyes, Teeth, etc.
Hoping I can change the nose a little and make the eyes bigger.

If anyone has a step by step on how I can get to the Displayed Gareth 10 yr old I would appreciate it.




  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    You have most of what you need, to get the hair the same as the promo you also need the following:

    It is part of the M6 pro bundle if you bought that.

    The picture I have attached is pretty close to the promo of Gareth. To get it identical I would need to know the exact set up of the lighting for the promo.

    Here are the steps to reproduce:

    1) Load G2M
    2) In smart content click on materials
    3) Go to Materials->Masculine->Brothers for Growing up->EHSS MATs
    4) Double click on Full MAT Bald and the Eyes 03 (Brown)
    4) In smart content Go to Shaping->Apply
    5) Double click on 02 Gareth 10 year old M6
    6) In smart content Go to Hair->Short, double click Micah Hair.

    That is it. For the lighting I used one advanced distant light at 90% and an advanced ambient light at 50%

    1920 x 1080 - 158K
  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    Thank you so much.

    This was great. The only question I have is I thought ehss maps were only for m6,
    But you had me use g2m.

    Should have got the bundle I guess but I will grab that hair.

    Thanks again.


  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    ian said:
    Thank you so much.

    This was great. The only question I have is I thought ehss maps were only for m6,
    But you had me use g2m.

    Should have got the bundle I guess but I will grab that hair.

    Thanks again.


    M6 is just a morph for G2M. When you applied the shaping preset this dials in the correct amount of M6 into Gareth (just M6 head 50% I think).

    The ehss maps like all other maps are not for any shape only. They will work with any G2M character and morph, and with a tiny bit of work you can get them onto G2F as well.

  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    I will play with it. When I had it selected one way, the EHSS where not listed.

    One last question? What hair did they use for Brothers 5 yr old as well please.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    ian said:
    I will play with it. When I had it selected one way, the EHSS where not listed.

    One last question? What hair did they use for Brothers 5 yr old as well please.

    Not 100% sure, but it appears to be Crazy Locks Hair for Genesis Male (made for original Genesis, but should work with G2M via AutoFit, or just parenting it to the head).
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    edited December 1969

    If you are going to buy a lot of content, consider joining the Platinum Club+ first. You can save money. For example, that Crazy Locks Hair drops to $1.99 for members.

  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    Havos said:
    ian said:
    Thank you so much.

    This was great. The only question I have is I thought ehss maps were only for m6,
    But you had me use g2m.

    Should have got the bundle I guess but I will grab that hair.

    Thanks again.


    M6 is just a morph for G2M. When you applied the shaping preset this dials in the correct amount of M6 into Gareth (just M6 head 50% I think).

    The ehss maps like all other maps are not for any shape only. They will work with any G2M character and morph, and with a tiny bit of work you can get them onto G2F as well.

    This is probably above my pay grade but you teased.

    Are you saying brothers can be applied to g2f like v4.2 morph +
    Or were you just referring to the skin textures etc.


  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    ian said:
    This is probably above my pay grade but you teased.

    Are you saying brothers can be applied to g2f like v4.2 morph +
    Or were you just referring to the skin textures etc.


    I was refering to the skin textures. However you can transfer the brother's morph, as well as any other G2M morph over to G2F using Generation X and the generation 2 add on. I believe transfer can also be done using the transfer utilty, but I have never tried since I own Generation X (which simplifies the transfer process to a few clicks).

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited June 2015

    ian said:
    I will play with it. When I had it selected one way, the EHSS where not listed.

    One last question? What hair did they use for Brothers 5 yr old as well please.

    EDIT: Ignore my first answer I had not read the question sorry.

    Scott is correct, it is the Crazy Locks Hair. I have this and it auto fits to G2M just fine (but then most hair autofits pretty well).

    Post edited by Havos on
  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    Havos, just to continue this discussion.

    Any advantage to selecting M4 as my base model (instead of G2M)?

    Adding clothes, changing eye size, morphs etc?

    Thank you again for your advice.


    Havos said:
    You have most of what you need, to get the hair the same as the promo you also need the following:

    It is part of the M6 pro bundle if you bought that.

    The picture I have attached is pretty close to the promo of Gareth. To get it identical I would need to know the exact set up of the lighting for the promo.

    Here are the steps to reproduce:

    1) Load G2M
    2) In smart content click on materials
    3) Go to Materials->Masculine->Brothers for Growing up->EHSS MATs
    4) Double click on Full MAT Bald and the Eyes 03 (Brown)
    4) In smart content Go to Shaping->Apply
    5) Double click on 02 Gareth 10 year old M6
    6) In smart content Go to Hair->Short, double click Micah Hair.

    That is it. For the lighting I used one advanced distant light at 90% and an advanced ambient light at 50%

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    Personally I can not see any advantage of using M4, particularly for the child models. M4 is older technology, and if you have the "Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male" product, G2M can wear all of M4's clothing, and use all of M4's skins. If you have the Generation X product, G2M can even use all of M4's morphs.

    The main reason for using M4 is if you have used the model for many years and are familar with it, and have several characters of your own you want to keep using. If you are new to Daz Studio, then you might as well use the very latest technology. G2M is more easily morphed (particularly into creatures and children) and looks better in certain poses because the figure bends much better.

    What is nice about M4/V4 is they are a cheap resource of clothing, characters etc as V4 and M4 stuff are often offered at steep discounts at this and other stores. For example a large pack of M4 and V4 products have been given away in the last month or so here. However, for me at least, these cheap/free products are for using on G2M or G2F, not for using on M4 and V4.

  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    Yah, I am just getting the feel, but find myself frustrated some times.

    Brothers for example does well with G2M and M6.
    It does not work on an M4.

    My M4 shoes don't load on G2M / M6.

    Figuring out what figures do what is the interesting part.

    I think what I am seeing is that M4 is a standalone and Michael 6 and others are Morphs on Genesis.

    I am considering pulling the M4 Basicwear and Model so they are not there to distract me
    and focus on Genesis based models and cloths. I have no legacy support so that should be OK for
    what I am doing.


  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    ian said:
    Havos, just to continue this discussion.

    Any advantage to selecting M4 as my base model (instead of G2M)?

    Adding clothes, changing eye size, morphs etc?

    Thank you again for your advice.


    OOPS - sorry I meant M6 here. Brothers is only compatible with G2M and M6.

    From what you explained to me M6 is really a "tweak" on G2M so considering my
    Brothers is also a tweak, using G2M directly is really no different than M6.

    You said Crazy Locks for Genesis is the right hair. So it allows you to open the face up like on 5 Yr Old Gab?

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    ian said:

    OOPS - sorry I meant M6 here. Brothers is only compatible with G2M and M6.

    From what you explained to me M6 is really a "tweak" on G2M so considering my
    Brothers is also a tweak, using G2M directly is really no different than M6.

    You said Crazy Locks for Genesis is the right hair. So it allows you to open the face up like on 5 Yr Old Gab?

    Crazy Locks for Genesis has quite a few morphs that allow you to shorten the hair, or to sweep it out of the way to reveal the full face. See my pic below with Gabriel and Crazy Lock Hair morphed to reveal his face.

    On your more general point, I should start by repeating what I said before, M6 is not a base model, it is just a morph of G2M. That said there are a lot of characters in the store based on M6, in so much as they rely on at least part of his shape in order to complete that character's own morph. Strictly M6 at this point is a dependency (like it is with Brothers), not the base model.

    The G2M base model has a smooth, relatively featureless look to it, and was delibrately created as such to allow it to be more easily morphed to other more distintive shapes. M6, and characters based on him, can thus look "better", but this is subjective, and not everyone likes M6's shape.

    It might seem strange that child characters like Gareth and Gabriel are using the morph of a well developed adult male (ie M6) as part of their shape, but you need to understand a bit of history behind this. When Brothers was released M6 was the only character morph (official DAZ morph that is) available. If Brothers had been released now, the younger characters may have mixed in parts of Brodie or Jayden. If you are looking to create very young characters like Gareth and Gabriel then you could use Brodie as a base (he is a teen figure of aroud 13) and then add some of the youth morph from Growing Up to make him look even younger.

    By the way I would recommend you pick up the M4 and V4 shapes/UV's for Genesis 2 at some point.

    I do not know what budget you have, but these products in the longer term will save you a lot of money as they give you access to products that during certain sales can be grabbed for 1-2 dollars a piece, as well as the vast array of M4/V4 freebie characters and clothing out there. Both of the two above are frequently on sale, and/or you can use some sort of discount coupon. I almost never buy anything at full cost. Note that the V4 UV will work on G2M as well which is useful as a resource for younger male characters as most adult male skins make a boy character look like a hobbit or a dwarf.

    1200 x 675 - 86K
  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited December 1969

    Havos said:

    It might seem strange that child characters like Gareth and Gabriel are using the morph of a well developed adult male (ie M6) as part of their shape, but you need to understand a bit of history behind this. When Brothers was released M6 was the only character morph (official DAZ morph that is) available. If Brothers had been released now, the younger characters may have mixed in parts of Brodie or Jayden. If you are looking to create very young characters like Gareth and Gabriel then you could use Brodie as a base (he is a teen figure of aroud 13) and then add some of the youth morph from Growing Up to make him look even younger.

    I also have several products that can be used to make younger characters rather than using an adult base which may not give you the desired results. The issue with brodie and jayden is that their body scale is out of proportion with the other genesis males, so you would have to scale him down. My M3DTeen set and Young Jarek sets attempt to correct that.

    1000 x 1300 - 141K
  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited June 2015

    Havos said:
    ian said:

    OOPS - sorry I meant M6 here. Brothers is only compatible with G2M and M6.

    From what you explained to me M6 is really a "tweak" on G2M so considering my
    Brothers is also a tweak, using G2M directly is really no different than M6.

    You said Crazy Locks for Genesis is the right hair. So it allows you to open the face up like on 5 Yr Old Gab?

    Crazy Locks for Genesis has quite a few morphs that allow you to shorten the hair, or to sweep it out of the way to reveal the full face. See my pic below with Gabriel and Crazy Lock Hair morphed to reveal his face.

    I do not know what budget you have, but these products in the longer term will save you a lot of money as they give you access to products that during certain sales can be grabbed for 1-2 dollars a piece, as well as the vast array of M4/V4 freebie characters and clothing out there. Both of the two above are frequently on sale, and/or you can use some sort of discount coupon. I almost never buy anything at full cost. Note that the V4 UV will work on G2M as well which is useful as a resource for younger male characters as most adult male skins make a boy character look like a hobbit or a dwarf.

    I really appreciate all your help. I can get much farther now and have found things I would not have.

    I could ask you tons more questions, but I think I will post different topics as you have covered Step by Step Brothers well!

    Thanks again,


    Post edited by IanHStewart on
  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited June 2015

    I was refering to the skin textures. However you can transfer the brother's morph, as well as any other G2M morph over to G2F using Generation X and the generation 2 add on. I believe transfer can also be done using the transfer utilty, but I have never tried since I own Generation X (which simplifies the transfer process to a few clicks).

    You mentioned GenX that and GenX G2 are on sale.

    Can you advise on why I might want these and what they can do for me.

    Almost done with the Kid. Thank you again so much for your help.

    Off Topic:
    My next effort will be a G2F, but I need to adjust the face quite a bit.

    Longer Face, Nose (bigger), deep set eyes, month cease etc. Any morph packs I need or will the standard tools work.

    Thanks again,


    Post edited by IanHStewart on
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    ian said:
    I was refering to the skin textures. However you can transfer the brother's morph, as well as any other G2M morph over to G2F using Generation X and the generation 2 add on. I believe transfer can also be done using the transfer utilty, but I have never tried since I own Generation X (which simplifies the transfer process to a few clicks).

    You mentioned GenX that and GenX G2 are on sale.

    Can you advise on why I might want these and what they can do for me.

    Almost done with the Kid. Thank you again so much for your help.

    Off Topic:
    My next effort will be a G2F, but I need to adjust the face quite a bit.

    Longer Face, Nose (bigger), deep set eyes, month cease etc. Any morph packs I need or will the standard tools work.

    Thanks again,


    Actually I was saying that Generation X was a good buy when it was on sale, it was not when I posted the message, but it is NOW!

    The following are the minimum you need:

    and at the sale price, for a touch over 20$ represents good value. What they allow you to do is transfer morphs and characters over from M4, V4 and K4 over to Genesis or Genesis 2, or to transfer morphs/characters from Genesis to Genesis 2. So, for example, if you had picked up the free V4 pro pack that was available a couple of weeks back, then you would own the V4 Morphs++ package which has a vast array of head and body morphs, and any of these you could transfer over to G2F. As I said before there are a lot of character freebies for M4/V4 and K4, and you can bring all of these over to Genesis 1 or 2 using generation X.

    Note that some movement of morphs between characters is possible using the transfer utility which is free with DS. Generation X just makes the whole process much easier and quicker.

    If you want to just use the custom morph packs for G2F/G2M then I would recommend: for G2M and for G2F

    A lot of the Genesis 2 characters available at this and other stores rely on these morphs, and so are worth picking up when you can afford them. They are also on sale right now at 55% normal discount, or 69% off if you are a PC++ club member.

    If you say you are working on the female characters right now, then the last link is the one to concentrate on. They have the morphs to manipulate the face (bigger nose, deep set eyes etc). I can not claim they will give you the exact look you are after, but they will help.

    As some else had mentioned you might want to look at PC++ club membership, at least for a single quarter. You only need to spend 50 dollars or so at this store on DAZ originals and the quarterly membership has paid for itself.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited June 2015

    As way of an example for what Generation X can do, imagine you really liked this character for V4,

    not the cutest character I know, but she has a strong distinctive face that makes her a good test subject. Lets say you wanted to have her as a Genesis and/or G2F character. As long as you own the base stuff needed for that character, ie francesca herself, the V4 morphs++ and the V4 base, then you can use generation X to make the transfer.

    In the picture below you see the result, three very similar looking versions of the same character. For your information G2F is on the left, V4 in the center and Genesis 1 on the right.

    1420 x 700 - 1M
    Post edited by Havos on
  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited June 2015

    Actually I was saying that Generation X was a good buy when it was on sale, it was not when I posted the message, but it is NOW!

    The following are the minimum you need:

    So if I got GenX and G2 then I would not need

    Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male or Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female

    I will look into those Morphs as well. As always a great source of info.

    Thank you.

    Post edited by IanHStewart on
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    ian said:

    Actually I was saying that Generation X was a good buy when it was on sale, it was not when I posted the message, but it is NOW!

    The following are the minimum you need:

    So if I got GenX and G2 then I would not need

    Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male or Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female

    I will look into those Morphs as well. As always a great source of info.

    Thank you.

    You can transfer the M4 and V4 base morph over to G2M/G2F using generation X, but not the UV's. The UV's are part of Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male and Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female, so without these you could not put M4/V4 skins onto G2M/G2F like I did in my picture above.

    Sorry if I wrecked a potential saving. You don't have to rush and buy everything now, you probably have a fair bit to learn just using what you already have. It is just nice to know what each product does, and what it can potentially do for you.

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